====== Alarms ====== \\ \\ Alarms can be found on the upper side of the Web page (header): {{:wiki3:alarms2.png?600|}} There are 3 types of alarms: \\ \\ * Gateway alarms, * End-device alarms, * Network alarms. \\ \\ Here are the type of errors you may encounter in your system: \\ \\ ===== Gateway Alarms ===== ^Type ^Description ^Potential Root cause ^ | CONNECTION | Gateway not connected to WMC | Gateway shut down, backhaul not available, | | CPU | CPU percent utilization passed above the defined threshold\\ CPU percent utilization passed below the defined threshold | Large number of operations on the gateway (many messages , spectrum, ...)| | DOOR OPEN | Door opened\\ Door closed | Door not closed| | GPS | GPS unlocked\\ GPS locked | Physical issue on gateway (GPS wrong/not connected)\\ Obstruction of GPS antenna\\ bad reception (not enough satellites)\\ Cold start, GPS not yet locked | | POWER LOST | Power Lost | Primary alimentation stopped, gateway will shut down\\ Causes : either global power shutdown or bad electrical characteristics (voltage outage, ...) | | RAM | RAM percent utilization passed above the defined threshold\\ RAM percent utilization passed below the defined threshold | Large number of operations on the gateway (many messages , spectrum, ...) | | RSSI | RSSI level passed below the defined threshold\\ RSSI level passed above the defined threshold | The reception level of the gateway (in term of cellular backhaul) is under/above a threshold\\ Low RSSI indicates potential backhaul problems : cellular network connection lost, antenna issue, environment conditions changed... | | SHUTDOWN | Shutdown of the gateway | Gateway has stopped, either power issue / or reboot | | SYSTEM DISK | System disk percent utilization passed above the defined threshold\\ System disk percent utilization passed below the defined threshold | Utilization of the disk\\ Can increase due to logs and tmp files on the gateway | | TEMPERATURE | Temperature passed above the defined threshold\\ Temperature passed below the defined threshold | Temperature from the CPU\\ Ambient temperature of the gateway under/above a threshold\\ Temperature may alter performances if not in electronic recommendations | | USER DISK | User disk percent utilization passed above the defined threshold\\ User disk percent utilization passed below the defined threshold | Utilization of the disk\\ Can increase due to logs and tmp files on the gateway | \\ \\ ===== End-device Alarms ===== ^Type ^Description ^Potential Root cause ^ | DATADOWN FCNTDOWN CHANGED | No route for multicast | No gateway found for the downlink message | | DATADOWN FCNTDOWN ERR | Deprecated alarm | Deprecated alarm | | DATADOWN GW NACK | ACK from gateway not OK | DataDown not sent by the gateway because received too late or collision | | DATADOWN MAXATTEMPTS | The maximum number of sending attempts for a DataDown message has been reached | DataDown not sent by the gateway because received too late or collision | | DATADOWN TIMEOUT | The maximum time to wait to send a datadown has been reached | No ACK received from gateway | | DATAUP MIC ERR | Integrity message error | DataUp received with incorrect MIC\\ Device’s message integrity is not ensured, DataUp not decoded\\ This may be caused by:\\ - Corruption of message\\ - Device trying to mock another one (attack), either by reusing a FCNtUp eihter with an invalid devNonce | | DOWNLINK UNABLE TO SEND | DataDown not sent | Unable to send (collision, no gateway, max queue size reached, Gateway Nack, ...) | | JOIN APPEUI ERR | JOIN REQUEST with invalid AppEui was received and refused | AppEui doesn't match with the provisioned one | | JOIN DEVADDR ERR | ABP configuration issue with the set DevAddr | DevAddr may be already in use | | JOIN DEVNONCE ERR | JOIN REQUEST with already used DevNonce was received and refused | DevNonce has already been used by the end-device | | JOIN MIC ERR | JOIN REQUEST with invalid MIC was received and refused | Probably due to corruption or invalid AppKey | | PUSH AUTH FAILED | Authentication of push config failed | Wrong user / password | | PUSH NOT FOUND | Impossible to find push server | Wrong push address / port | | PUSH SERVER ERR | Error from push server | Issue from push server side | | PUSH TIMEOUT | Push server did not response to push in time | Issue from push server side | \\ ===== Network Alarms ===== ^Type ^Description ^Potential Root cause ^ | FRQ DUTY CYCLE | Alarm on duty cycle overage by gateway channel, depending on the region | Duty cycle is over the limits |