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wiki:quickstart:quickstart_ifemto [2022/10/24 09:00]
ehe [Network setup]
wiki:quickstart:quickstart_ifemto [2024/10/29 15:00] (current)
ehe [Setup of iFemtoCell Hotspot]
Line 3: Line 3:
 {{images:​wirnetifemtocell.png?​200}} {{images:​wirnetifemtocell.png?​200}}
-  * {{ :e-con-klk03496-quick-start-guide-wirnet-ifemtocell-v5.0_a6.pdf |Wirnet iFemtoCell - Quick start guide}}\\+  * {{ :e-con-klk03496_-_quick_start_guide_-_wirnet_ifemtocell-v7.0_a4.pdf |Wirnet iFemtoCell - Quick start guide}}\\
   * **Content of the box:** iFemtoCell + Indoor antenna + Power supply   * **Content of the box:** iFemtoCell + Indoor antenna + Power supply
   * **Available connections:​** **Ethernet*** (preferred) & Wi-Fi   * **Available connections:​** **Ethernet*** (preferred) & Wi-Fi
wiki/quickstart/quickstart_ifemto.1666594806.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2022/10/24 09:00 by ehe