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home [2023/10/06 13:44]
ehe created
home [2024/10/03 12:27] (current)
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-====== ​Setup of Wanesy Management Cockpit ======+====== ​QuickStart ​of Wanesy Management Cockpit ====== 
 +===== Documentation ​=====
 +[[https://​|Wanesy Management Cockpit]] ​ (online)
 +[[https://​​docs/​index.html|API Web services documentation]] ​ (online)
-===== Create your users ===== +===== Zero Touch provisioning (ZTP) feature ​===== 
-[[]]+[[​wirnet-productline/​doku.php?​id=wiki:​systeme_mana:​ztp|Zero Touch provisioning (ZTP)]] 
 +===== Connecting the gateways to the Wanesy Management Cockpit ===== 
 +==== Gateways version ==== 
 +The first thing to do is to **install the software** that allows the gateway to connect to the Wanesy Management Cockpit.\\ 
 +<​note>​The minimum version to use is 5.9.</note> 
 +[[https://​​faq/​doku.php?​id=home#​wirnet_i-series_gateways5|Check firmware version on a gateway]]\\ 
 +[[https://​​wirnet-productline/​doku.php?​id=wiki:​keros_custo:​upgrade|Firmware update and configuration]]\\ 
 +[[https://​​wirnet-productline/​doku.php?​id=wiki:​firmware:​lastversion|Quick link to software]]\\ 
 +==== Create a new user ====
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   * **E-Mail** (mandatory):​ enter the E-Mail address of the user   * **E-Mail** (mandatory):​ enter the E-Mail address of the user
   * **Customer/​Role** (mandatory):​ define the role of the user (see below for details about roles and associated permissions)   * **Customer/​Role** (mandatory):​ define the role of the user (see below for details about roles and associated permissions)
 +=== Create a new user ===
 +{{ :​wiki:​2_-_create_a_new_user.mp4?​1000 |}}
-In case of multiple customers visible (case of CHANNEL_ADMINISTRATOR),​ you can associate different roles on different customers to the user. +<note important>​ 
 +When a new role is assigned to a user, that user must log out and relogin for it to take effect. 
 +In case of multiple customers visible (case of CHANNEL_ADMINISTRATOR),​ you can associate different roles on different customers to a user among the 5 following roles. \\ 
 +In case of unique customer visible (case of CUSTOMER_ADMINISTRATOR),​ you can associate different roles on this unique customer to a user among the 4 following roles
 The following roles can be assigned to a user: The following roles can be assigned to a user:
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 The permissions (on API and WebUI) by role are detailed in the table below:\\ The permissions (on API and WebUI) by role are detailed in the table below:\\
 +=== Validate a Cockpit account ===
 +{{ :​wiki:​1_-_validate_a_cockpit_account.mp4?​1000 |}}
-===== Create ​your groups ===== +==== Create ​a group ==== 
 Your gateways can be grouped into groups, this a logical regrouping.\\ Your gateways can be grouped into groups, this a logical regrouping.\\
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   * **Name** (mandatory):​ enter a name for your group   * **Name** (mandatory):​ enter a name for your group
   * **Description** (optional): enter a description for your group   * **Description** (optional): enter a description for your group
 +  * **Alerting** (disabled by default): enable to declare your group as an alerting one
 +=== Create a new group ===
 +{{ :​wiki:​3_-_create_a_new_group.mp4?​1000 |}}
 +==== Declare a Gateway ====
-===== Declare your gateways ===== 
 To declare a gateway, you need to fill the following information:​ To declare a gateway, you need to fill the following information:​
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 <​note>​By default, the number of groups is limited to 10 per gateway.</​note>​ <​note>​By default, the number of groups is limited to 10 per gateway.</​note>​
 +<​note>​A gateway can only belong to one alerting group at a time.</​note>​
 +=== Declare a Gateway ===
 +{{ :​wiki:​4_-_declare_a_gateway.mp4?​1000 |}}
 +==== Wanesy Management Overview ====
 +{{ :​wiki:​5_-_cockpit_overview.mp4?​1000 |}}
home.1696592651.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/10/06 13:44 by ehe