Table of Contents

Fair Use Policy for API on Wanesy Management Cockpit

This policy applies to all users of the Wanesy Management Cockpit API.

The Wanesy Management Cockpit API is intended to be used in a manner that doesn't impact the ability to serve effectively the other customers.

Misuse of the API may cause adverse effects on system performance, reliability and overall service quality.
In order to maintain optimal performance of the API and ensure that all customers have a good experience, we urge all users to consider and optimize their calls and flows.

Fair use is based on a total number of API calls per 24-hour period for the whole platform.
While we do not set explicit limitations par customer on the number of API calls, we reserve the right to monitor API usage patterns.

If needed, we may impose restrictions if the call frequency disproportionately creates an excessive load on the API.
In that case, we are entitled to restrict your access to the API without any warning.

We may also establish usage limits for the API, including limits on the number of requests per minute, day, or other time period.

The gateway information (connection status, health…) are based on telemetry messages which are reported every hour.
Therefore, it is not advisable or useful to request these APIs more than once per hour per gateway.
The gateway KPIs (availability rate, number of valid LoRaWAN UL messages…) are aggregated once per day.
Therefore, it is not advisable or useful to request these APIs more than once per day per gateway.
Need help ?
If you have any question regarding the Wanesy Management Cockpit API, please don't hesitate to contact Kerlink team.
We are of course ready to help you optimize your use of the API for integration with your information system.