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Alerting on Wanesy Management Cockpit


Alerting management

Alerting group

The alerting mechanism is based on the notion of group.

When creating/updating a group, it is possible to declare it as an alerting one.

A gateway can only belong to one alerting group at a time.

Alerting configuration

Configuring the alerts is done at group level, i.e. the configuration applies to all the gateways in the alerting group.

To configure the alerts, you need to go to the Group overview page and select ALERTING from the header menu.

For each alert type, it is possible to:

  • Activate/deactivate the alert
  • Use default configuration (recommended), or custom it

Description of alert types


The Disconnection alert is:

  • Triggered when the gateway has stopped receiving telemetry messages for more than 3h
  • Automatically closed when the gateway has successfully reconnected and is receiving telemetry messages again

Backhaul consumption

The Backhaul consumption alert is:

  • Triggered when the backhaul consumption forecasted for the current month exceeds the predefined limit (configurable from 50 to 5000 Mbytes, 400 Mb by default)
  • Automatically closed when the backhaul consumption forecasted for the month comes back within the limit

The global consumption is estimated until the reset day (configurable from 1 to 28), independently for each type of backhaul used (Ethernet, WiFi or Cellular).

The LoRaWAN uplink disruption alert is:

  • Triggered when the gateway has not receive any valid LoRaWAN messages for a certain period of time
  • Automatically closed when valid LoRaWAN messages have been received again during the last monitoring window

The monitoring window is configurable from 3 hours to 7 days (24h by default).

The LoRaWAN uplink trend change alert is:

  • Triggered when a significant downward trend is detected on the number of valid LoRaWAN messages received, based on the last 30 days behavior
  • Automatically closed when the trend on the number of valid LoRaWAN messages received is stabilized

Configuring the sensitivity mode (normal or low) allows to adjust the detection threshold.

LoRaWAN CRC error rate trend change

The LoRaWAN CRC error rate trend change alert is:

  • Triggered when a significant upward trend is detected on CRC error rate for one or more frequencies, based on the last 30 days behavior
  • Automatically closed when the trend on CRC error rate on all detected frequencies is stabilized

Configuring the sensitivity mode (normal or low) allows to adjust the detection threshold.

The frequencies involved in trigerring this alert are listed in the reason field of the alert details.

Monitoring of alerts

Alerting dashboard

An Alerting dashboard is accessible by selecting Alerts from the left menu, it allows to:

  • List the alerts of an alerting group, with filtering options
  • Acknowledge an alert

After clicking on an eye link in the Alerts table, you will be redirected to the Alert details page.
This page lists all the events (including the associated reason) related to the alert, from its triggering until closing.

Example for Disconnection alert:

Example for Backhaul consumption alert:

Example for LoRaWAN CRC error rate trend change alert:

Group overview

The global information about alerts of an alerting group are displayed in its overview:

  • Number of alerts currently active
  • Graph with evolution of the number of alerts opened daily, over the last 30 days

Gateway overview

The list of alerts currently active on a specific gateway are displayed in its overview.

wiki/monitoring_alerting/alerting.txt · Last modified: 2024/10/02 10:53 by ehe