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wiki:wiki3:postman_3.0 [2019/02/18 15:06]
wiki:wiki3:postman_3.0 [2019/06/21 15:49] (current)
Line 14: Line 14:
 ===== Installation ===== ===== Installation =====
-  - Download {{ :wiki3:backup.postman_dump_wmc_3.0.json |the configuration dump}}. + **For WMC 3.x:** 
-  - Install Postman, if not already installed+   ​- Install [[https://​​downloads/​|Postman]],​ if not already installed (please choose the standalone application,​ not the browser extension). 
-  - Import the downloaded configuration dump.+ **For WMC 3.0:**  
 +  ​- Download {{wiki3:postman_environment.json|the Postman environment}}. This file contains the WMC base URL (which may need to be changed) and the username/​password (which definitely need to be changed). 
 +  - Download {{wiki3:​collection_3.0.2.json|the ​requests collection}}. This file contains templates for all the web services
 +  - Import the downloaded JSON files (step 1 and 2). 
 + **For WMC 3.1:** 
 +  - Export the GMS API JSON OpenAPI file from the WMC dahsboard
 +  - Import the JSON file in the Postman working area. 
 + **For WMC 3.x:**
   - Edit the environment to match your needs (credentials and WMC instance URL).   - Edit the environment to match your needs (credentials and WMC instance URL).
   - Execute the authentication request: this will save the authentication token in the environment (open the environment again to check).   - Execute the authentication request: this will save the authentication token in the environment (open the environment again to check).
Line 26: Line 35:
 Here are the screenshots of the steps mentioned above. Here are the screenshots of the steps mentioned above.
-|        ​**Import the Postman dump** ​          ​      ​**Setup your environment** \\ Enter your login/​password,​ and change URL if needed. \\ The auth token will be populated automatically when performing a login request. ​    ​     **Perform an authentication** \\ This will create a session that lasts 16 hours. ​    | + 
-{{ :wiki3:postman_environnement_import_wmc_3.0_1.png?400 |}} {{ :​wiki3:​postman_environnement_import_wmc_3.0_2.png?300 |}}  ​{{ :wiki3:postman_authentication_wmc_3.0.png?400 |}}             | {{ :wiki3:postman_authentication_login_wmc_3.0.png?400 |}}  | +**Import ​the GMSAPI file** \\ 
-|       ​**Edit collection menu** ​              ​| ​      **Collection variables** \\ You can change the variables that are used in the requests ​    |      **Request execution** ​\\ See the variables used and the request result ​    | + 
-| {{ :​wiki3:​postman_collection_edit_wmc_3.0.png?​400 |}} {{ :​wiki3:​postman_collection_edit2_wmc_3.0.png?​400 | }} |  ​{{ :​wiki3:​postman_getcustomer_def_id_wmc_3.0.png?​400 |}} {{ :​wiki3:​postman_getcustomer_view_id_wmc_3.0.png?​400 |}} {{ :​wiki3:​postman_getcustomer_execute_wmc_3.0.png?​400 |}} |+**For WMC 3.0:**\\ 
 +We need to import ​the Postman dump file: \\ 
 +{{:​wiki3:​postman_environnement_import_wmc_3.0_1.png?​800|}} \\ 
 +**For WMC 3.1:** \\ 
 +We need to import the OpenAPI.json file: \\ 
 +{{:​wiki3:​postman_environnement_export_openapi_json.png?​800|}} \\ 
 +**Setup your environment** \\ Enter your login/​password,​ and change URL if needed. \\ The auth token will be populated automatically when performing a login request. ​\\  
 +**Perform an authentication** \\ This will create a session that lasts 16 hours. ​\\ 
 +{{:wiki3:postman_authentication_login_wmc_3.0.png?800|}}  ​ 
 +**Edit collection menu** \\ 
 +{{:wiki3:postman_collection_edit_wmc_3.0.png?800|}} \\ 
 +**Collection variables** \\ You can change the variables that are used in the requests \\ 
 +{{:​wiki3:​postman_getcustomer_def_id_wmc_3.0.png?​800|}} \\  
 +**Request execution** \\ See the variables used and the request result \\ 
wiki/wiki3/postman_3.0.1550498764.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/02/18 15:06 by tda