====== FAQ - Static IP configuration ====== \\ ===== How to configure static IP assignment for my gateway? ===== **The static IP assignment must be done for a gateway from "scratch" (only FW is available). \\ Do not disable DHCP from the WMC dahsboard. \\ This can imply a connection loss to the WMC.** Changing the network configuration through the WMC dashboard is not recommended since DNS configuration cannot be achieved. Refer to these specific Wikis to setup static IP for your gateway: \\ \\ Wirnet Product line (iBTS, iFemtoCell): [[http://wikikerlink.fr/wirnet-productline/doku.php?id=wiki:network_mana:backhaul#ethernet_configuration]] \\ Wirnet iBTS (before FW v4.0) [[http://wikikerlink.fr/wirnet-ibts/doku.php?id=wiki:backhaul_3.3.3#ethernet_configuration]] \\ Wirnet iFemtoCell (before FW v4.0): [[http://wikikerlink.fr/wirnet-ifemtocell/doku.php?id=wirnet-ifemtocell:network_3.4.4#ethernet_configuration]] \\ Wirnet Station: [[http://wikikerlink.fr/lora-station/doku.php?id=wiki:faq#how_to_configure_static_ip_address]] \\