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OSS Postman script

Postman is a REST client that can be used to easily integrate with the WMC OSS API.

Kerlink provides a sample Postman configuration dump that can be imported. It contains:


  1. Install Postman, if not already installed.
  2. Import the downloaded configuration dump.
  3. Edit the environment to match your needs (credentials and WMC instance URL).
  4. Execute the authentication request: this will save the authentication token in the environment (open the environment again to check).
  5. Edit the collection variables, and set your customerId (for example).
  6. Execute a request that uses the customerId variable, for example getCustomerFleets.


Here are the screenshots of the steps mentioned above.

Import the Postman dump Setup your environment
Enter your login/password, and change URL if needed.
The auth token will be populated automatically when performing a login request.
Perform an authentication
This will create a session that lasts 16 hours.
Edit collection menu Collection variables
You can change the variables that are used in the requests
Request execution
See the variables used, and the request result