Table of Contents

v3.x Gateway Software Releases

CAUTION: Theses packages are only dedicated to connect gateways to WMC v3.x.
They are not intented to be used with WMC v2.3

Wirnet Station must be updated to firmware 3.x before using these megapackages.
Installing these megapackages on Wirnet Station firmware 2.x will brick the gateway.


Product Megapackage md5sum
Wirnet iBTS ran_gateway_lpbs_v3.0.11.tar.gz 4d2df32b16c98566af339ec37c07944e
Wirnet iFemtoCell ran_gateway_wifc_v3.0.11.tar.gz cfc21700e9b8f3e07bdd4a8f933992c3
Product Megapackage md5sum BSCC md5sum SNMP md5sum
Wirnet Station dota_ran_gateway_v3.0.10.tar.gz 9afbef4b07466aea9258557e11d9f350 dota_v3.0.10_bscc.tar.gz 7f2baf10b34ffe368cb8e8c24303127b dota_v3.0.10_snmp.tar.gz f1b0cc1cd5db55b353d5d9b123455c7

N.B: BSCC and SNMP packages are used for the Wirnet Stations that are static-IP or GSM assigned. See Restrictions/Know issues section below.

Compatibility matrix

Product Firmware Packet Forwarder HAL BSCC SNMP VPN
Wirnet iBTS 3.4.5 spf2_5.1.0-klk4_5.1.0-klk5_klk_lpbs libloragw2-fpga_5.1.0-klk5_klk_lpbs 3.0.11 3.0.11 1.11
Wirnet iFemtoCell 3.4.5 spf_3.1.0-klk18_4.1.3-klk12_klk_wifc libloragw_4.1.3-klk12_klk_wifc 3.0.11 3.0.11 1.11
Wirnet Station 3.3 spf_3.1.0-klk16_4.1.3-klk8_wirnet libloragw-fpga_4.1.3-klk8_wirnet 3.0.10 3.0.10 1.11

Changelog (since 2.3.4)

New features


Release corrections

Restrictions / Known issues


[Wista]= Wirnet Station
[KerOS]= Wirnet iBTS and Wirnet iFemtoCell
[Wifc]= Wirnet iFemtoCell