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Changing the network configuration throught the WMC dashboard is not recommanded. Doing this through the local configuration is the good way since DNS configuration cannot be done through the dashboard.
For Wirnet Station, you can change default DNS servers (, that are currently obsolete by using the following package
This package replaces default DNS servers by Google ones (, Use it before proceeding to any system upgrade or changing IP assignment from dynamic to static.
Then setup IP assigment via a SSH connection or debug link.
You can also set DNS and IP assignment in one shot by modifying the local setup.
For KerOS systems (Wirnet iBTS, Wirnet iFemtoCell), you should issue a SSH connection to setup gateway IP assigment and DNS servers addresses.
Refer to specific Wiki to setup static IP for your gateway:
Wirnet Station:
Wirnet iBTS:
Wirnet iFemtoCell: