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Base Station Controller

The goal of the BSC is to manage the stations, supervise the status of the equipment and collect statistics

Fleet management

You can select your fleet via the filtering option “Select your fleet:”

The fleets section presents a dashboard of the selected fleet: synthesis, last operations and an overview:

Stations management


Gives a status summary of each station of your fleet

Station Status

By clicking a particular station EUI, you can obtain a high level view of the station and its status summary

Station Statistics

By selecting the “Statictics” menu option, you can get a detailled and historical view of your station :

  • Link
  • RAM
  • CPU
  • Disk (System & User)
  • RSSI
  • Temperature
  • Power

Stations configuration

Remote connection

  • File System explorer
  • Shell
  • Command

The difference between shell and command is that the former is a full interactive shell, while the latter is just a non-interactive command launch.

The interactive shell may have been disabled by your network or security configuration.


Control panel enables to configure

  • CPU
  • System disk
  • Door

Sofware update

Versions information

By selecting the “Versions” item of the menu options, you can obtain following information :

  • information about the current version of the station,
  • information about older versions of the station,
  • information about the last software update,

Execute a software update

By selecting the “Software update” option, you can execute an update of your station :

Drag and drop your .tar.gz file to the “File” area and click the “send” button to proceed to the update.

Task, SNMP, Events


This section lists all the tasks that were run on the station. When clicking on a task, you can see all its messages and SNMP logs.


This section lists all the SNMP requests that were made on the station.


It lists all events that were triggered on the station.


Events can be alarms (high CPU value for instance) or simple events (station start, door open/closed, etc.).

This section presents the alarms of the selected fleet:

wiki/bsc.1509616830.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/11/02 11:00 by tda