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System Overview

The RAN as a whole is structured as follows:

  • In the gateway:
    • The packet forwarder receives LoRa frames and forwards them to the lns server which address is usually using UDP port 1700
    • There is a bscc daemon that will be interfaced with the RAN BSC component
    • There is a snmp daemon that will be interfaced with the RAN
    • There is an OpenVPN package that will handle the secure connection to the RAN
  • In the RAN:
    • The BSC will handle the gateway system management (software, remote shell, system status, etc)
    • The RNC will handle the radio management (spectral scan, frequency planning, etc)
    • The LNS will handle the LoRaWAN data (RX/TX)

Process Flow

To analyze your potential issues, it is best to go from bottom to top and check every layer:

  1. Check basic network
    • if Ethernet, ensure that the link is up, a valid IP is set on eth0 interface (either manually or through DHCP)
    • if WiFi, ensure that the SSID is properly connected and that a valid IP is configured on wlan0 interface (either manually or through DHCP)
    • if cellular, ensure that the APN is properly configured, that the cell signal is good and that there is an IP defined on ppp0 interface
    • Anyway, issue a ifconfig command to check all interfaces status, and try to ping a machine on the Internet (e.g.
  2. Check installed software and version numbers
    • On iBTS or iFemtoCell, run the command: ipkg list-installed: this will list the installed packages
    • On Wirnet Station, run the command: get_version -u -v and check the update log
    • Anyway, please check that the bscc, snmp, openvpn and the packet forwarder packages are correctly installed with the expected version number
  3. Check that all expected process are running
    • On iBTS or iFemtoCell, run the command: monit status
    • On all systems, run the command: ps ww
    • Anyway, please ensure that the bscc, snmp, openvpn and the packet forwarder processes are running
  4. Check that the connection to the RAN is working
    • Check that you have VPN interface in ifconfig
    • Check the content of the Trustzone (except wirnet) pnr_uploader -s -b 2, pnr_uploader -s -b 10
    • Check that you can ping and
    • Check that you can ping lns and snmp
    • Add the station to the customer fleet and verify that the status is “connected”
  5. Check that the packet forwarder is working properly
    • Check the configuration of the packet forwarder in the json config file (“lns” should be defined as the server and port 1700 should be used)
    • Check in the dashboard interface that the station has received some messages (be sure that at least one end-device is located in the neighborhood of the gateway)

Logs to check

  • Check main system logs at /var/log/messages
  • Check packet forwarder logs at /user/spf2/var/log/ for iBTS, /user/spf/var/log for iFemtoCell and /mnt/fsuser-1/spf for Wirnet Station
  • Check the kernel boot log with the dmesg command

Ask for support

If you couldn't find why your station is not visible on the RAN dashboard or why you can't receive/send LoRa frames, please contact the support:

Anyway, please provide information about your product and your issue:

  • serial number
  • product version
  • logs
  • desired behavior / expected result
  • list of checks that you already did

These items can be collected by following the Process Flow step.

wiki/troubleshooting.1509381884.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/10/30 17:44 by tda