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wiki:interfaces:noren [2020/03/13 15:39]
ghi created
wiki:interfaces:noren [2023/02/20 17:21] (current)
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 {{.:​noren.png?​600|Node-RED}} {{.:​noren.png?​600|Node-RED}}
 +Login details for the connection : spn / spnpwd
 ===== Help ===== ===== Help =====
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 <​hidden>​ <​hidden>​
 # Common parameters # Common parameters
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 - **SPN/Tx data** node usage is available on node help or description. - **SPN/Tx data** node usage is available on node help or description.
 </​hidden>​ </​hidden>​
 +===== Node examples =====
 +The following nodes are given as examples to display Rx data and inject manually Tx data.
 +==== Rx data debugger ====
 +This node can be plugged directly to ''​SPN/​Rx data''​ node. Once Node-RED enabled and user connected to Node-RED interface, click on ''​Node-RED menu => Import => Clipboard''​ and paste the following node:
 +<code json RxDataDebugger.json>​
 +[{"​id":"​fc15a665.e0b748","​type":"​subflow","​name":"​Rx data debugger","​info":"","​category":"","​in":​[{"​x":​70,"​y":​85,"​wires":​[{"​id":"​a11a953c.82f618"​}]}],"​out":​[]},​{"​id":"​a11a953c.82f618","​type":"​debug","​z":"​fc15a665.e0b748","​name":"​Display Rx data on console","​active":​true,"​tosidebar":​true,"​console":​false,"​tostatus":​false,"​complete":"​rx_data","​x":​288,"​y":​85,"​wires":​[]},​{"​id":"​38377a02.373716","​type":"​subflow:​fc15a665.e0b748","​z":"​e311c66a.1eb5e8","​name":"","​x":​264,"​y":​435,"​wires":​[]}]
 +  * Connect ''​SPN/​Rx data''​ output to ''​Rx data debugger''​ input
 +  * Click on ''​Deploy''​
 +  * Rx data can be visible on ''​debug''​ console.
 +{{.:​noren_rx_data_debugger.png|Node-RED,​ Rx data debugger}}
 +==== Tx data injector ====
 +This node can be used to inject manually a Tx data. Then, this Tx data is sent to the expected end-device. Once Node-RED enabled and user connected to Node-RED interface, click on Node-RED menu ⇒ Import ⇒ Clipboard and paste the following node:
 +<code json TxDataInjector.json>​
 +[{"​id":"​e1c67d2e.50814","​type":"​inject","​z":"​1c9fa2a7.f4dc5d","​name":"​Manual Tx data injection","​topic":"","​payload":"","​payloadType":"​date","​repeat":"","​crontab":"","​once":​false,"​onceDelay":​0.1,"​x":​230,"​y":​540,"​wires":​[["​7c3efe6a.0bb38"​]]},​{"​id":"​7c3efe6a.0bb38","​type":"​change","​z":"​1c9fa2a7.f4dc5d","​name":"​Build Tx data","​rules":​[{"​t":"​set","​p":"​tx_data.end_device_id","​pt":"​msg","​to":"​AABBCCDD","​tot":"​str"​},​{"​t":"​set","​p":"​tx_data.port","​pt":"​msg","​to":"​2","​tot":"​num"​},​{"​t":"​set","​p":"​tx_data.acknowledge","​pt":"​msg","​to":"​true","​tot":"​bool"​},​{"​t":"​set","​p":"​tx_data.try_number","​pt":"​msg","​to":"​5","​tot":"​num"​},​{"​t":"​set","​p":"​tx_data.payload","​pt":"​msg","​to":"​wMrA/​sDKwP7AysD+","​tot":"​str"​},​{"​t":"​delete","​p":"​topic","​pt":"​msg"​},​{"​t":"​delete","​p":"​payload","​pt":"​msg"​}],"​action":"","​property":"","​from":"","​to":"","​reg":​false,"​x":​483,"​y":​540,"​wires":​[[]]}]
 +  * Connect ''​Build Tx data''​ output to ''​SPN/​Tx data''​ input
 +  * Edit ''​Build Tx data''​ node to set **5** node properties (End-device ID, port, acknowledge,​ try number and payload)
 +  * Click on ''​Deploy''​
 +  * Tx data are injected each time ''​Manual Tx data injection''​ button is clicked
 +{{.:​noren_tx_data_injector.png|Node-RED,​ Tx data injector}}
 +<note tip>
 +In web user interface, it is possible to check in ''​Fleet => Send data => Tx data''​ that the Tx data injected is available in Tx data list.
 +===== Node installation and updates =====
 +It is possible to install new nodes and update already installed nodes through Node-RED interface in ''​Main menu => Manage palette''​.
 +<note important>​Because of hardware limitations,​ Node-RED nodes update or installation may fail for various reasons (dependency issues, prebuilt package unavailable)</​note>​
wiki/interfaces/noren.1584110395.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/03/13 15:39 by ghi