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wiki:resources [2018/05/07 17:21]
dlr [SPN Firmware (to install SPN)]
— (current)
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-====== Resources ====== 
-===== Documentation ===== 
-==== Hardware ==== 
-Wirnet iFemtoCell installation and maintenance v1.0: {{ :​wiki:​e-con-installation_and_maintenance_-_wirnet_ifemtocell-v1.0.pdf |}} 
-==== User Manual ==== 
-  * SPN 2.0.3 web interface description:​ None, help is now directly integrated in the web interface. 
-  * SPN 1.1.1 web interface description:​ {{ :​media:​e-con-user_manual_wirnet_ifemtocell_spn_-v2.0.pdf |}} 
-  * SPN 1.0.3 web interface description:​ {{ :​wiki:​e-con-user_manual_wirnet_ifemtocell_spn_-v1.0.pdf |}} 
-==== HTTP REST API ==== 
-SPN web services description: ​ 
-  * SPN firmware v2.0.3: {{ :​media:​e-con-wirnet_ifemtocell_spn_web_services-v3.0.pdf |}} 
-  * SPN firmware v1.1.1: {{ :​media:​e-con-wirnet_ifemtocell_spn_web_services-v1.0.pdf |}} 
-iFemtocell web services description: ​ 
-  * SPN firmware v2.0.3: {{ :​media:​e-con-wirnet_ifemtocell_web_services-v3.0.pdf |}} 
-  * SPN firmware v1.1.1: {{ :​media:​e-con-wirnet_ifemtocell_web_services-v1.0.pdf |}} 
-===== Software ===== 
-==== SPN Firmware (to install SPN) ==== 
-<note warning>​**__Breaking of compatibility__:​ license files**\\ 
-Due to the evolution of Wanesy SPN V2 software, licensing management modification leads to a break of compatibility with the license management of Wanesy SPN V1. 
-Wirnet iFemtoCell Wanesy SPN firmware **v2** must only be activated by a valid Wanesy SPN V2 license file. 
-Wanesy SPN license file provided with SPN version V1 will not allow to run the Wanesy SPN **v2** version, even if the V2 firmware can be installed (locked waiting V2 license). 
-Please contact [[ | ]] to order SPN V2 licenses before upgrading to Wirnet iFemtoCell SPN firmware **v2**. 
-License files SPN V2 are not compatible with Wirnet iFemtoCell SPN firmware V1 (v1.0.3 and V1.1.1). ​ </​note>​ 
-  * [[wiki:​resources_spn_firmware_2.0.3|Wirnet iFemtoCell - SPN firmware v2.0.3 (April 2018)]] 
-  * [[wiki:​resources_spn_firmware_1.1.1|Wirnet iFemtoCell - SPN firmware v1.1.1 (December 2017)]] 
-  * [[wiki:​resources_SPN_firmware_1.0.3|Wirnet iFemtoCell - SPN firmware v1.0.3 (October 2017)]] 
-==== iFemtoCell removal packages (to uninstall SPN)===== 
-__For SPN version v1.X.X:__ \\ 
-{{ :​wiki:​liveburner-nodep_3.1.3_klk_wifc.ipk |}} md5: ''​7b21639dc793019b9dedf0b6578e5201''​ 
-__For SPN version v2.X.X:__ \\ 
-{{ :​wiki:​liveburner_3.3.3_klk-wifc.ipk.gpg |}} md5: ''​f6da731b5f5bc1987d34d2e50b838fae''​ 
-===== Templates ===== 
-  * [[wiki:​resources_templates_2.0.3|SPN 2.0.3 templates]] 
-  * [[wiki:​resources_templates_1.1.1|SPN 1.1.1 templates]] 
wiki/resources.1525706515.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/02/21 11:53 (external edit)