====== Regional parameters ====== Depending on regions, the LoRaWAN specification differs. The ISM band ranges can be selected in ''Configuration => Region => Region'' menu. The list of available regions depends on the hardware capabilities. When selecting Japan or Korea (923 MHz gateway version), the Listen Before Talk (LBT) feature is automatically enabled. {{.:..:spn_Region.jpg?950|Region}} How to disable NewChannelReq/LinkADRReq MAC commands: * A checkbox is available in the Web UI to disable the NewChannelReq/LinkADRReq MAC commands, this checkbox is activated by default (MAC commands enabled) * When the NewChannelReq/LinkADRReq MAC commands are disabled, only the CFList is supported for channels configuration * The LinkADRReq MAC commands continue to be sent to manage ADR, in this case it contains ChMask corresponding to the default channels of the region * In most use cases, it is strongly recommended to keep the NewChannelReq/LinkADRReq MAC commands enabled