Table of Contents


Wanesy™ SPN (Small Private Network) can be used to collect data sent from end-devices over a LoRa network.

The classical communication case is that LoRa end-devices emit frames and open short reception windows after the emission.

The Wanesy™ SPN gateway can be connected to an IP network:

Gateway model Ethernet Wi-Fi GSM
Wirnet™ iFemtoCell available available with USB dongle
Wirnet™ iStation available not available available
Wirnet™ iFemtoCell-evolution available not available available

The connection to the IP network is used to manage following flows:

Several interfaces are implemented to manage partially or totally these flows:

More details about interfaces compatibility versus flows here.

More information about the LoRa Alliance and the LoRa protocol can be found on the LoRa-alliance website.