Table of Contents

Configuration file: data.json


This file contains the configuration of the gateway (except the fleet configuration).
When this file is uploaded, the gateway parses it and replaces the configuration of the gateway with the one described in the file. If the syntax or one field of the file is not correct, then the entire file is ignored.
It is not necessary to use every field in the file at once.

The following example shows a fully functioning file that only configures the received data backup parameters.

  "body": {
    "public": {
      "csvlo": {
        "rotation_time": "hour",
        "rotation_count": 50

The configuration file can be downloaded/uploaded with:

Fields description

loftp: Local FTP configuration

csvlo: CSV files management

rhttp: Remote HTTP configuration

reftp: Remote FTP configuration

smsma: SMS interface configuration

region_specific: Region configuration

lora_network: LoRa network

rx_rf: LoRa Rx RF configuration

The Rx frequencies configuration is explained here.

Rx configuration

radio_0: Radio 0

radio_1: Radio 1

chan_multisf_X: Channel multi SF 0 to 7 configuration


"radio_0": {
  "enable": true,   // Radio 0 is enabled
  "freq": 868500000 // Radio 0 central frequency is 868500000
"chan_multisf_0": {
  "enable": true,   // Channel 0 is enabled
  "radio": 0,       // Channel 0 works with radio 0
  "if": -400000     // Channel 0 desired channel frequency is 868100000
                    // Channel 0 relative frequency = desired channel frequency - radio 0 central frequency
                    // Channel 0 relative frequency = 868100000 - 868500000 
                    // Channel 0 relative frequency = -400000

chan_monosf: Channel mono SF configuration

tx_rf: LoRa Tx RF configuration

packets_forwarding: Slave mode for multi-gateways configuration

network: Network configuration

lan: Ethernet configuration

wlan: Wi-Fi configuration

GSM: GSM configuration

openvpn: OpenVPN configuration

time: Time configuration



Depending on the version of the firmware, the template to use changes. Templates can be downloaded from the templates page.