Table of Contents


This topic is destined to users with some basic knowledge about VPN, who know how to create and setup a VPN client/server.

Creating the PKI

PKI management

VPN Server Setup/Configuration

Here an example of creating and configuring an OpenVPN server

VPN Client Setup/Configuration

Modify the configuration file

The configuration of the VPN requires:

All those files have to be uploaded via the web UI.

Here is an example of a client configuration file:

#                                               #
# Client-side OpenVPN 2.X config file for       #
# connecting to multi-client server.            #
#                                               #
# Comments are preceded with '#' or ';'         #
#                                               #
# Specify that we are a client and that we
# will be pulling certain config file directives
# from the server.
#remote-cert-tls server
# Protocol
proto udp
dev tun
#Certification Authority Certificate - Server Authentication
ca ca.crt
#User Key and Certificate - Client Authentication
pkcs12 client.p12
cipher AES-256-CBC
#auth SHA256
tls-version-min "1.0"
tls-version-max "1.0"
mssfix 1200

Note: if you set a passphrase to access your private key, just add the following line in your configuration file :

askpass pass.txt

Fill the pass.txt file with your password and protect it from reading to others that are not root:

# chmod 600 pass.txt

The two other files (.crt and .p12) have to be generated using the PKI.

Select the “Enable” button from the Administration > OpenVPN menu option and drag and drop the following files :

Automatically the openvpn process will be launch at boot time and be monitored by the monit tool.


Once the files are uploaded and the VPN feature is activated in the administration page, the VPN tunnel will automatically be created.