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wiki:support:faq [2020/09/10 10:49]
wiki:support:faq [2021/12/17 11:17] (current)
ehe [How to get the DevEUI, AppEUI, AppKey identifier of the Wanesy Wave?]
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 [[wiki:​support:​faq#​what_is_default_wi-fi_password|What is default Wi-Fi password?​]]\\ [[wiki:​support:​faq#​what_is_default_wi-fi_password|What is default Wi-Fi password?​]]\\
-[[wiki:​support:​faq#​what_is_default_ftp_server_password|What is default ​ftp server password?​]]\\+[[wiki:​support:​faq#​what_is_default_ftp_server_password|What is default ​FTP server password?​]]\\ 
 +[[wiki:​support:​faq#​what_is_default_http_server_password|What is default HTTP server password?​]]\\
 [[wiki:​support:​faq#​how_to_read_software_version|How to read software version?​]]\\ [[wiki:​support:​faq#​how_to_read_software_version|How to read software version?​]]\\
 [[wiki:​support:​faq#​how_to_update_the_wanesy_wave_firmware|How to update the Wanesy Wave firmware?​]]\\ [[wiki:​support:​faq#​how_to_update_the_wanesy_wave_firmware|How to update the Wanesy Wave firmware?​]]\\
 [[wiki:​support:​faq#​how_to_get_the_wanesy_wave_product_id|How to get the Wanesy Wave Product ID?]]\\ [[wiki:​support:​faq#​how_to_get_the_wanesy_wave_product_id|How to get the Wanesy Wave Product ID?]]\\
 [[wiki:​support:​faq#​how_to_get_the_deveui_appeui_appkey_identifier_of_the_wanesy_wave|How to get the DevEUI, AppEUI, AppKey identifier of the Wanesy Wave?]]\\ [[wiki:​support:​faq#​how_to_get_the_deveui_appeui_appkey_identifier_of_the_wanesy_wave|How to get the DevEUI, AppEUI, AppKey identifier of the Wanesy Wave?]]\\
-[[wiki:​support:​faq#​why_the_wanesy_wave_cannot_connect_to_the_things_network_ttn_lns|Why the Wanesy Wave cannot connect to The Things Network (TTN) LNS?]]\\+[[wiki:​support:​faq#​Why the Wanesy Wave first version ​cannot connect to The Things Network (TTN) LNS? ]]\\
 [[wiki:​support:​faq#​how_to_activate_the_wanesy_wave_using_activation_by_personalization_abp|How to activate the Wanesy Wave using Activation By Personalization (ABP)?]]\\ [[wiki:​support:​faq#​how_to_activate_the_wanesy_wave_using_activation_by_personalization_abp|How to activate the Wanesy Wave using Activation By Personalization (ABP)?]]\\
 [[wiki:​support:​faq#​i_don_t_have_any_wi-fi_count_data_from_my_wi-fi_devices|I don't have any Wi-Fi count data from my Wi-Fi devices]]\\ [[wiki:​support:​faq#​i_don_t_have_any_wi-fi_count_data_from_my_wi-fi_devices|I don't have any Wi-Fi count data from my Wi-Fi devices]]\\
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 ===== What is default Wi-Fi password? ===== ===== What is default Wi-Fi password? =====
-  * Wi-Fi SSID is ''​optout_klk*'' ​(''​*''​ means empty field or incremental identifier ​like ''​_2''​).\\ +  * Wi-Fi SSID and Wi-Fi password depends of the firmware version. 
-  Wi-Fi password is ''​optout_klk''​.\\+ 
 +^ Firmare version ​ ^  Wi-Fi SSID  ^  Wi-Fi password ​ ^ 
 +^ 1.8.0  | ''​Wave_<fc #4682b4>*</fc>'' ​''​optout_klk''​ | 
 +^ 1.7.0  | ''​optout_klk<​fc #​9400d3>​%%*%%%%*%%</​fc>​'' ​| ''​optout_klk''​ | 
 +<fc #​4682b4>​*</​fc> ​means 6 last hexadecimal digits of EUI like ''​0509D1''​.\\ 
 +<fc #​9400d3>​%%*%%%%*%%</​fc>​ means empty field or incremental identifier like ''​_2''​.
 ===== What is default FTP server password? ===== ===== What is default FTP server password? =====
-  * Wi-Fi update required a connection to the Wanesy Wave FTP server. +  * Wi-Fi update ​can required a connection to the Wanesy Wave FTP server. 
-  * FTP server default password ​is ''​esp3232''​.+  * FTP server default password ​depends of the firmware version. 
 +^ Firmware version ​ ^  FTP server login  ^  FTP server password ​ ^ 
 +^ 1.8.0             | ''​admin'' ​         | ''​waveadmin'' ​        | 
 +^ 1.7.0             ​| ​''​esp3232'' ​       | ''​esp3232'' ​          | 
 +===== What is default HTTP server password? ===== 
 +  * Wi-Fi update can required a connection to the Wanesy Wave HTTP server. 
 +  * HTTP server default password depends of the firmware version. 
 +^ Firmware version ​ ^  HTTP server login  ^  HTTP server password ​ ^ 
 +^ 1.8.0             | ''​admin'' ​          | ''​waveadmin'' ​         | 
 +^ 1.7.0             | not available ​      | not available ​         | 
 ===== How to read software version? ===== ===== How to read software version? =====
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 {{:​images:​sticker_eu868.png?​nolink&​200|}} ​  ​{{:​images:​sticker_us915.png?​nolink&​200|}} {{:​images:​sticker_eu868.png?​nolink&​200|}} ​  ​{{:​images:​sticker_us915.png?​nolink&​200|}}
 ===== How to get the DevEUI, AppEUI, AppKey identifier of the Wanesy Wave? ===== ===== How to get the DevEUI, AppEUI, AppKey identifier of the Wanesy Wave? =====
-  * LoRaWAN identifier must be requested to Kerlink Customer Support by email at [[]] ​by providing the Wanesy Wave Product ID.\\+  * LoRaWAN identifier must be requested to **your supplier** ​by providing the Wanesy Wave Product ID.
 +===== Why the Wanesy Wave first version cannot connect to The Things Network (TTN) LNS? =====
-===== Why the Wanesy Wave cannot connect ​to The Things Network (TTN) LNS? =====+Kerlink evolved its production process ​to offer the compatibility on The Things Network (TTN) LNS
 +Wanesy Wave shipped **before** the 21th of January 2021:
   * AppEUI of the Wanesy Wave is 0000000000000000.\\   * AppEUI of the Wanesy Wave is 0000000000000000.\\
   * The Things Network (TTN) LNS is not configured to accept devices with AppEUI 0000000000000000.\\   * The Things Network (TTN) LNS is not configured to accept devices with AppEUI 0000000000000000.\\
   * AppEUI of the Wanesy Wave cannot be modified.   * AppEUI of the Wanesy Wave cannot be modified.
 +Wanesy Wave shipped **after** the 21th of January 2021: 
 +  * All Wanesy Wave products **shipped since the 21th of January 2021** are configured with the Kerlink **AppEUI 7076FF0001000001** instead of the generic AppEUI 0000000000000000.  
 +  * AppEUI of the Wanesy Wave is 7076FF0001000001. 
 +  * Software version is 1.8.0 or upper. 
 +  * No limitation to connect to The Things Network LNS. 
 +  * AppEUI of the Wanesy Wave cannot be modified.
 ===== How to activate the Wanesy Wave using Activation By Personalization (ABP)? ===== ===== How to activate the Wanesy Wave using Activation By Personalization (ABP)? =====
   * Activation By Personalization (ABP) is not supported on Wanesy Wave.\\   * Activation By Personalization (ABP) is not supported on Wanesy Wave.\\
Line 93: Line 122:
   * fport ''​65'';​ hexadecimal payload ''​65844370''​ or text payload ''​AT+F''​.   * fport ''​65'';​ hexadecimal payload ''​65844370''​ or text payload ''​AT+F''​.
-Details are available in the //Product description// documentation ​available in the Documentation section of the Setup page: [[wiki:​setup:​setup_wave#​documentation|click here]].+Details are available in the //interface documentation// available in the Documentation section of the Setup page: [[wiki:​setup:​setup_wave#​documentation|click here]]. 
 +<note warning>​Factory reset will reset the configured region to the default region (factory value):  
 +  * region EU868 (EU863-870MHz) for Wanesy Wave 868 (“DA” hardware architecture) 
 +  * region US915 (US902-928MHz) for Wanesy Wave 915 (“DB” hardware architecture) 
 +Declaration of end-devices on LoRa Network Server needs the appropriate end-device region configuration.\\ 
 +Factory reset on Wanesy Wave configured with other regions can lead to a loss of connectivity on the LoRa Network Server. 
 ===== What is the default LEDs behavior? ===== ===== What is the default LEDs behavior? =====
   * Default LED behaviour is described in the Product Description documentation available in the Documentation section of the Setup page: [[wiki:​setup:​setup_wave#​documentation|click here]].\\   * Default LED behaviour is described in the Product Description documentation available in the Documentation section of the Setup page: [[wiki:​setup:​setup_wave#​documentation|click here]].\\
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 ===== What is the default application behavior? ===== ===== What is the default application behavior? =====
   * Per default application is asset tracking (standard Kerlink application) with BLE scan only:\\   * Per default application is asset tracking (standard Kerlink application) with BLE scan only:\\
-    * A 10 seconds BLE scan is done every 60 seconds.\\+    * A 30 seconds BLE scan is done every 40 seconds.\\
     * Confirmation of all BLE tags within the zone every 5 minutes and no active filters on majors.\\     * Confirmation of all BLE tags within the zone every 5 minutes and no active filters on majors.\\
     * A LoRaWAN™ frame is sent every 40 seconds or more if there are new BLE iBeacon data available.     * A LoRaWAN™ frame is sent every 40 seconds or more if there are new BLE iBeacon data available.
wiki/support/faq.1599727759.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/09/10 10:49 by ghi