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resources_ibts:resources [2019/09/25 11:23]
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-====== Wirnet™ iBTS Resources ====== 
-===== Documentation ===== 
-Wirnet iBTS Installation and maintenance:​ {{:​documentation:​e-con-installation_and_maintenance_wirnet_ibts-v2.0.pdf| Installation and maintenance manual v2.0}}. 
-===== Compatibility matrix ===== 
-^  KerOS firmware version ​ ^   ​Semtech Packet Forwarder (SPF)   ​^ ​  <​fc #​008080>​Common Packet Forwarder (CPF)</​fc> ​   ^ 
-^  Since 4.x.x  |  <fc #​ff0000>​**Not compatible**</​fc> ​ |  <fc #​008000>​**Compatible**</​fc> ​ |  
-^  3.x.x and lower  |  <fc #​008000>​**Compatible**</​fc> ​ |  <fc #​ff0000>​**Not compatible**</​fc> ​ | 
-Before KerOS firmware release v4.x.x, Kerlink provided pre-compiled Semtech packet forwarder (SPF). Since KerOS firmware release v4.x.x, only the pre-compiled Common packet forwarder (CPF) is provided, pre-compiled SPF are no longer compatible.\\ 
-For Wirnet iBTS with firmware release v3.x.x (before v4.0.2), please refer to old [[http://​​wirnet-ibts/​doku.php|Wirnet™ iBTS wiki]]. 
-===== Wirnet iBTS KerOS firmware ===== 
-Here is the list of downloadable KerOS firmware releases and their major updates compared to previous versions. To get information on older firmware consult the [[wiki:​sw_history|Firmware release history]] page. 
-<note important>​ 
-If your Wirnet iBTS will be connected to the Wanesy Management Center, please check the compatibility matrix from the [[http://​​wanesy-ran/​doku.php?​id=wiki:​home|WMC Wiki]] first. 
-Software releases from this page are not guaranteed to work with Wanesy Management Center. 
-  * [[resources_ibts:​release_4.0.2|Wirnet iBTS KerOS firmware v4.0.2 (March 2019)]]. 
-===== Toolchain ===== 
-Kerlink provides the cross-toolchain,​ libraries and headers necessary to the compilation of an application. For more information consult the [[wiki:​toolchain|Toolchain]] page. 
-  * [[resources_ibts:​resources_toolchain_fw_4.x|Wirnet iBTS  Toolchain firmware v4.X]]. 
-===== Common Packet Forwarder ===== 
-The packet forwarder is a program running on the host of a Lora gateway that forwards RF packets received by the gateway to a server through an IP/UDP link and emits RF packets that are sent by the server. For more information consult the [[wiki:​cpf|Kerlink Common Packet forwarder]] page. 
-  * [[resources_ibts:​cpf_1.0.6|Common Packet forwarder 1.0.6 (March 2019)]] 
-===== Cellular firmware ===== 
-Kerlink provides ''​.ipk''​ packages to install operators approved by cellular firmware. 
-These packages are not compatible with dual WAN modems. 
-^ Modem ^ company ^IPK name ^ firmware ^ configuration ^  
-|MC7354|Generic|{{ :​resources:​wanmodemupgrade-mc7354-generic_1.1_all.ipk |wanmodemupgrade-mc7354-generic_1.1_all.ipk }} md5:''​d9284bf8c88bdcef008ef0daf2a47fde''​| SWI9X15C_05.05.58.00 | 005.025_002 | 
-|MC7354|ATT|{{ :​resources:​wanmodemupgrade-mc7354-att_1.1_all.ipk |wanmodemupgrade-mc7354-att_1.1_all.ipk }} md5:''​e098a9481f420bf4c4e05a247748824e''​| SWI9X15C_05.05.58.00 | 005.026_000| 
-|MC7354|Bell|{{ :​resources:​wanmodemupgrade-mc7354-bell_1.1_all.ipk |wanmodemupgrade-mc7354-bell_1.1_all.ipk}} md5:''​357e510eceac9f7fafd9d7643322c658''​| SWI9X15C_05.05.58.00 | 005.024_000| 
-|MC7354|Rogers|{{ :​resources:​wanmodemupgrade-mc7354-rogers_1.1_all.ipk |wanmodemupgrade-mc7354-rogers_1.1_all.ipk}} md5:''​00083dfde61c5916eac2517f436ba03b''​| SWI9X15C_05.05.58.00 | 005.022_000 | 
-|MC7354|Telus|{{ :​resources:​wanmodemupgrade-mc7354-telus_1.1_all.ipk |wanmodemupgrade-mc7354-telus_1.1_all.ipk}} md5:''​f53badb852c1eaab07855ab644407d73''​| SWI9X15C_05.05.58.00 | 005.023_000 | 
-|MC7354|Verizon|{{ :​resources:​wanmodemupgrade-mc7354-verizon_1.1_all.ipk |wanmodemupgrade-mc7354-verizon_1.1_all.ipk}} md5:''​618ba29ff25d252e8e7c83de79515a50''​| SWI9X15C_05.05.58.01 |005.029_001 | 
resources_ibts/resources.1569403434.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/09/25 11:23 by ghi