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resources_ifemto:release_4.0.4 [2019/01/07 16:08]
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-====== Wirnet™ iFemtoCell KerOS firmware v4.0.4 (January 2019) ====== 
-===== Changes from v3.4.5 ===== 
-==== Release corrections ==== 
-  * LED will shutdown at halt. 
-  * Various Webui corrections and improvement. 
-  * Fixed: Use of a roaming SIM yields SIM registration but not attach (e.g. no data). 
-  * Fixed: When the gateway date is manually changed in the web interface, a reboot retrieves the auto date. 
-  * Fixed: GSM config tab in webui displays the wrong operator parameter. 
-  * Fixed: Changing date manually then rebooting has no effect (NTP date takes over the manual date). 
-  * When a static IP address is used, DNS can be configured through the webui. 
-==== New features ==== 
-  * Writable File system. 
-  * Webui handles cellular multi-provisioning. 
-  * Required fields in operator of GSM tab. 
-  * SMS feature handles most of the same configuration as the webui. 
-  * Add KerOS REST API access. ​ 
-  * New backup management system. 
-  * New package management system. 
-  * "​System status"​ (CPU, RAM & disk usages, temperature) displayed in "​Overview"​ webui. 
-  * Allow specifying netmask as prefix-length (CIDR notation) - tested through SMS & webui. 
-==== Evolutions==== 
-  * Kernel updated to 4.14.9. 
-  * Global package update. 
-  * Discovery performance and stability improved. 
-  * An error is displayed on failed WiFi connection on the webui. 
-  * ''​CONFIG_IP_MULTIPLE_TABLES''​ is now present on KerOS 4.0.x. 
-  * IPSec connection with basic PSK authenticated configuration and without ProvenCore works on keros 4.0.x. 
-  * The argument ''​network.gsm.broadcast''​ has been removed from Webui on KerOS 4.0.x. 
-  * In the webui, the passphrase of WiFi service is not displayed when trying to connect to another WiFi. 
-  * Set the wrong passphrase when connecting to WiFi service displays an error. 
-  * IPTABLES logging added in ''/​var/​log/​messages'',​ also visible on the console. 
-  * Bootcount in U-boot and in ''/​tmp/​board_info.json''​ on KerOS 4.0.x. 
-===== Restrictions ===== 
-  * **Configuration** 
-    * The result returned for the field ''​rpmb_status''​ in file ''/​tmp/​boar_info.json''​ is not correct. This field must not be taken into account in firmware version 4.X.  
-    * BNM frequency configuration files depending on the board (bnm-868.conf,​ bnm-923.conf,​ bnm-915.conf) are not kept by default when upgrading the gateway. 
-  * **Security** 
-    * Provenrun rpmb-status is not working on kernel 4.14. 
-  * **SMS Feature** 
-    * SMS command ''​_operator''​ doesn'​t receive a response when it's OK. 
-  * **System** 
-    * Sometimes, Failed to start LNA for BNM. 
-    * No timeout on BNM displayed. FIXME 
-    * Sometimes, the measurement is not accurate at +/-2dB. 
-    * Possible Kernel errors when using fixnetwork. 
-    * Version of ''​util_fpga_start''​ is "​dirty"​. 
-    * Default behavior of the ''​store-config''​ tool is to save the file ''/​user/​login''​ that is not present in KerOS 4.x firmware. 
-  * **Update** 
-    * IPK update status is in error for all packages if only one package installation failed. 
-  * **WiFi** 
-    * Impossible to connect with an Android system to Acces Point WiFi of the gateway. 
-    * No fallback on WiFi. 
-    * No passphrase entered starts a WPS connection. 
-  * **Ofono** 
-    * With USB cellular dongles UX302NC and UX302NCR, APN provisioning does not work if SIM has a PIN code. 
-    * Sometimes, cellular backhaul keeps the priority over the ethernet connection. 
-  * **Web Interface** 
-    * System manager error in the "​Administration"​ menu when trying to configure a static IP whereas cellular backhaul is already defined as default connection (''​main.conf''​). 
-    * After a time modification more than 12h (token validity), the board does not reboot after pressing the "​Reboot gateway"​ button. 
-    * When editing a cellular operator that is not used returns an error. 
-    * Sometimes GSM status stays green although the cellular is disconnected. 
-    * Sometimes, WiFi tab not displayed on webui. 
-    * When GSM is enabled on webui, "Save configuration"​ first is necessary before to add an operator. 
-    * When adding an operator in GSM tab, MCC must be 3 digits and MNC 2 or 3 digits (recommendation ITU-T E.212). 
-    * No feedback on PIN code verification,​ webui just disables GSM on wrong PIN Code. 
-===== Firmware ===== 
-==== Compatibility ==== 
-=== Hardware === 
-  * Fully compatible with Wirnet iFemtoCell BEb02, BEc03, BQa01 and BPa01 architecture (architecture can be retrieved from the final product ID). 
-  * Partially compatible with Wirnet iFemtoCell BEa01 architecture. 
-  * List of compatibles USB cellular dongles is available [[wiki:​cellular_backhaul_ifemto|here]]. 
-=== Software === 
-  * Compatible with Wirnet iFemtocell products with Kerlink Production fuses or without any fuses flashed. 
-  * Simple update (''​keros.ipk''​) incompatible with firmware older than v4.x → Use of ''​liveburner''​ package is MANDATORY. 
-  * Update from v1.x or v2.x to v4.x is not compatible, it is MANDATORY that the firmware is at least in firmware v3.x. 
-  * ProvenCore firmware and utilities (uploader) changed as of v3.1.0, and files to be uploaded to the ProvenCore have to be processed by ''​pnrcipher''​ before uploading. 
-<note warning>​Due to multiple KerOS changes, **direct update in v4.x IS NOT COMPATIBLE from firmware v2.x & v1.x**.\\ 
-It is required __first__ to update the gateway in v3.x to be able to update it after with the ''​liveburner''​ package v4.x.\\ 
-For the update in v3.x, please refer to the [[http://​​wirnet-ifemtocell/​doku.php?​id=wirnet-ifemtocell:​resources_fw_3.4.5|Wirnet iFemtoCell wiki, firmware v3.4.5]] page.</​note>​ 
-==== Delivery ==== 
-<note important>​ 
-The firmware is released only in one format: __Liveburner__. 
-To update the firmware **from v3.x to v4.x**, it is mandatory to use the ''​liveburner''​ package. 
-See [[wiki:​upgrade|system upgrade]] page.  
-===== Download ===== 
-  * Liveburner IPK: {{ :​resources_ifemto:​liveburner_4.0.4_klk-wifc-signed.ipk | liveburner_4.0.4_klk-wifc-signed.ipk}} md5: ''​7121a97d741bd34aa37e7a0d1ed4da01''​ 
resources_ifemto/release_4.0.4.1546873734.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/01/17 10:01 (external edit)