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wiki:faq [2018/12/27 16:52]
hch [Frequently Asked Questions]
— (current)
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-====== Frequently Asked Questions ====== 
-  * <fc #​87ceeb>​__**Common FAQ**__</​fc>​ 
-[[wiki:​faq#​what_is_default_login_password|What is default login/​password?​]]\\ 
-[[wiki:​faq#​what_to_do_in_case_the_password_has_been_lost|What to do in case the password has been lost?]]\\ 
-[[wiki:​faq#​how_to_read_software_version|How to read software version?​]]\\ 
-[[wiki:​faq#​how_to_manually_update_the_gateway_firmware|How to manually update the gateway firmware?​]]\\ 
-[[wiki:​faq#​how_to_factory_reset_the_gateway|How to factory reset the gateway?​]]\\ 
-[[wiki:​faq#​what_is_the_default_leds_behavior|What is the default LEDs behavior?​]]\\ 
-[[wiki:​faq#​how_to_shutdown_restart_the_gateway|How to shutdown/​restart the gateway?​]]\\ 
-[[[wiki:​faq#​where_are_the_logs|Where are the logs?]]\\ 
-[[wiki:​faq#​is_an_SDK_available?​|Is an SDK available?​]]\\ 
-  * <fc #​87ceeb>​__**Wirnet™ iBTS FAQ**__</​fc>​ 
-[[wiki:​faq#​how_to_read_fpga_version|How to read FPGA version?​]]\\ 
-  * <fc #​87ceeb>​__**Wirnet™ iFemtoCell FAQ**__</​fc>​ 
-[[wiki:​faq#​what_is_default_wirnet_ifemtocell_hostname|What is default Wirnet iFemtoCell hostname?​]]\\ 
-  * <fc #​87ceeb>​__**Common FAQ**__</​fc>​ 
-===== What is default login/​password?​ ===== 
-The default root password is defined here: [[wiki:​credentials|Credentials]]. 
-===== What to do in case the password has been lost? ===== 
-In case the root password of the Wirnet iBTS or Wirnet iFemtoCell has been lost, an autorun script can be used on a USB key to reset the password. Refer to the [[wiki:​sw_updates#​specific_files|USB autorun section]] and to the [[wiki:​credentials#​how_to_change_the_passwords|change the passwords section]] for more information. 
-If the USB password has also been lost, please contact the support. 
-===== How to read software version? ===== 
-SW versions are contained in ''/​tmp/​board_info.json''​ file.\\ 
-# grep "​version"​ /​tmp/​board_info.json ​ 
-        "​hw_version":​ "​2e05", ​ 
-        "​sw_version":​ "​4.0.2_20180821165420"​ 
-                "​data_structure_version":​ 1,  
-                    "​radio_sw_version":​ "​9999999_9902674_SWI9X15C_05.05.58.00_00_GENEU-4G_005.026_000", ​ 
-                    "​sw_version":​ "​SWI9X15C_05.05.58.00 r27038 carmd-fwbuild1 2015/03/04 21:​30:​23", ​ 
-                "​hw_version":​ "​44.6", ​ 
-            "​sw_version":​ "​loraloc-v1.0.6-0-g058fe26", ​ 
-===== How to manually update the gateway firmware? ===== 
-It can be done by IP network or USB. Please refer to [[wiki:​sw_updates|Software update]] dedicated section. 
-===== How to factory reset the gateway? ===== 
-To factory reset the gateway, you can use the stock restore feature. A “stock restore” will factory reset the gateway. **All data will be lost**.\\ 
-To trigger a stock restore execute the following commands: 
-<code bash> 
-# kerosd -s  
-# reboot 
- ===== What is the default LEDs behavior? ===== 
-The LEDs behavior is described [[wiki:​peripherals#​leds| here]]. 
-===== How to shutdown/​restart the gateway? ===== 
-To stop the gateway, use the command ''​halt''​.\\ 
-To reboot the gateway, use the command ''​reboot''​. 
-===== Where are the logs? ===== 
-Most traces of the Wirnet iBTS and Wirnet iFemtoCell can be found under ''/​var/​log/​messages*''​. 
-===== Is an SDK available? =====  
-Kerlink doesn’t provide a SDK to generate a Wirnet iBTS or iFemtoCell firmware just what is necessary to build an application. 
-Information about the Toolchain are available in the [[wiki:​toolchain|toolchain page]]. ​ 
-  * <fc #​87ceeb>​__**Wirnet™ iBTS FAQ**__</​fc>​ 
-===== How to read FPGA version? ===== 
-FPGA versions are contained in ''/​tmp/​board_info.json''​ file: parameter ''​fpga_swver''​.\\ 
-There is one FPGA per LoRaLOC board. If you have 3 LoRaLOC, there will be 3 versions in the file. \\ 
-__Example__:​ In this gateway fpga version is v61.\\ 
-# grep "​fpga_swver"​ /​tmp/​board_info.json ​   
-"​fpga_swver":​ "​61",​ 
-"​fpga_swver":​ "​61",​ 
-"​fpga_swver":​ "​61",​ 
-  * <fc #​87ceeb>​__**Wirnet™ iFemtoCell FAQ**__</​fc>​ 
-===== What is default Wirnet iFemtoCell hostname? ===== 
-The default hostname of the Wirnet iFemtoCell is “klk-wifc_**020010**” where **020010** is the end of the board ID. This information is present on the sticker placed on the rear side of the case. 
-{{ :​images:​sticker_femto.png?​nolink&​350 |}} 
wiki/faq.1545925938.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/01/17 10:01 (external edit)