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wiki:lora:basic_station_forwarder [2024/06/07 13:30]
ehe [AWS LNS configuration tool]
wiki:lora:basic_station_forwarder [2025/02/12 10:09] (current)
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 Once installed and configured, it is able to connect to a //"​LNS"//​ or a //"​CUPS"//​ server and handle all associated services (Radio configuration,​ Forward uplink packets, schedule downlink packets, etc.). Once installed and configured, it is able to connect to a //"​LNS"//​ or a //"​CUPS"//​ server and handle all associated services (Radio configuration,​ Forward uplink packets, schedule downlink packets, etc.).
-It implements the same protocols and authentication methods than [[​software/​lora-basics/​lora-basics-for-gateways/|Semtech LoRa Basics™ Station]] reference implementation.+It implements the same protocols and authentication methods than [[|Semtech LoRa Basics™ Station]] reference implementation.
 {{:​wiki:​lora:​basicstation_overview.png?​800|}} {{:​wiki:​lora:​basicstation_overview.png?​800|}}
Line 16: Line 16:
 ===== What are the differences with Semtech LoRa Basics™ Station ? ===== ===== What are the differences with Semtech LoRa Basics™ Station ? =====
-The [[​software/​lora-basics/​lora-basics-for-gateways/|Semtech LoRa Basics™ Station]] is a nice reference implementation. But, as the original packet forwarder, it has the same drawbacks: It's a monolithic approach, designed to be hardly linked to the gateway radio architecture and to be used on one Network Server.+The [[|Semtech LoRa Basics™ Station]] is a nice reference implementation. But, as the original packet forwarder, it has the same drawbacks: It's a monolithic approach, designed to be hardly linked to the gateway radio architecture and to be used on one Network Server.
 In other words, Kerlink Basic Station Packet Forwarder is the same package for all Kerlink iSeries gateways and can be configured while another previously-configured LNS is still functional. In other words, Kerlink Basic Station Packet Forwarder is the same package for all Kerlink iSeries gateways and can be configured while another previously-configured LNS is still functional.
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 </​code>​ </​code>​
 ++++ ++++
 +==== Kerlink CUPS configuration ====
 +<note important>​Only available since [[bspf_v3.3.0|Basic Station Packet Forwarder 3.3.0]]</​note>​
-==== Configuration ​====+After installation Kerlink Basic Station Packet Forwarder is disabled by default. 
 +Once Basic Station Packet Forwarder started, if no configuration is available, it will connect to Kerlink CUPS using: 
 +  * cups-boot.uri 
 +  * cups-boot.key 
 +  * cups-boot.crt 
 +Once connected to Kerlink CUPS, Basic Station Packet Forwarder will get its CUPS/LNS configuration. 
 +<​note>​Link to Cockpit wiki will be soon available to set LNS configuration using Kerlink CUPS. 
 +==== Manual configuration ​====
 Once installed, Kerlink Basic Station Packet Forwarder is disabled by default. It should first be configured for the wanted server (CUPS and/or LNS). Once installed, Kerlink Basic Station Packet Forwarder is disabled by default. It should first be configured for the wanted server (CUPS and/or LNS).
-As explained by [[​lora-basics/​lora-basics-for-gateways/?​url=authmodes.html|Semtech documentation]],​ the procedure to connect to server may differ depending on authentication mode used by server.+As explained by [[​authmodes.html|Semtech documentation]],​ the procedure to connect to server may differ depending on authentication mode used by server.
 === No authentication on LNS server === === No authentication on LNS server ===
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   * a network ID   * a network ID
   * LoRaWAN region   * LoRaWAN region
 +    * region list: 
 +      * AU915-928
 +      * AS923  ​
 +      * CN470-510
 +      * CN779-787
 +      * EU433
 +      * EU863-870
 +      * IN865-867
 +      * KR920-923
 +      * RU864-870
 +      * US902-928
   * Channel plans (1 to 8) comma separated (optional)   * Channel plans (1 to 8) comma separated (optional)
 <note important>​ <note important>​
wiki/lora/basic_station_forwarder.1717759830.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/06/07 13:30 by ehe