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wiki:quickstart:quickstart_ifevo [2021/11/25 12:14]
ehe [Documentation]
wiki:quickstart:quickstart_ifevo [2024/10/29 14:39] (current)
ehe [Documentation]
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 ===== Documentation ===== ===== Documentation =====
-  * Leaflet (contains the list of accessories):​ {{ :​documentation:​commercial_leaflet_wirnet_ifemtocell-evolution_v2.4.pdf |}}\\ +  * Leaflet (contains the list of accessories):​ {{ :​documentation:​commercial_leaflet_ifemtocell-evolution_2.9.pdf |}}\\ 
-  * Product Description:​ {{ :​documentation:​e-con-product_description_wirnet_ifemtocell_evo-v2.0.pdf |}} +  * Quick start guide: {{ :​documentation:​e-dmk-klk03378-quick-start-guide-wirnet_ifemtocell-evolution_v12.0.pdf |}}\\
-  * Quick start guide: {{ :​documentation:​e-dmk-quick-start-guide-wirnet_ifemtocell-evolution_v5.0.pdf |}}\\+
   * Web services documentation: ​ [[https://​​wirnet-productline/​doku.php?​id=wiki:​resources:​resources#​keros_web_services_documentation|click here]] \\   * Web services documentation: ​ [[https://​​wirnet-productline/​doku.php?​id=wiki:​resources:​resources#​keros_web_services_documentation|click here]] \\
   * SMS documentation: ​ [[https://​​wirnet-productline/​doku.php?​id=wiki:​resources:​resources#​keros_sms_documentation|click here]]   * SMS documentation: ​ [[https://​​wirnet-productline/​doku.php?​id=wiki:​resources:​resources#​keros_sms_documentation|click here]]
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   * Software architecture:​ [[https://​​wirnet-productline/​doku.php?​id=wiki:​general:​software_arch|click here]]   * Software architecture:​ [[https://​​wirnet-productline/​doku.php?​id=wiki:​general:​software_arch|click here]]
   * Accessories documentation:​ [[https://​​wirnet-productline/​doku.php?​id=wiki:​resources:​resources#​accessories_documentations|click here]]   * Accessories documentation:​ [[https://​​wirnet-productline/​doku.php?​id=wiki:​resources:​resources#​accessories_documentations|click here]]
 +  * Installation recommendations:​ [[https://​​wirnet-productline/​doku.php?​id=wiki:​ifemtocell-e:​installation_ifevo|click here]]
 ===== Zero Touch provisioning (ZTP) feature ===== ===== Zero Touch provisioning (ZTP) feature =====
-The KerOS FW 4.3.3 integrates the Zero Touch provisioning ​(ZTP) feature.\\ +  * [[wiki:​systeme_mana:​ztp|Zero Touch Provisioning ​(ZTP)]]
-When you receive the gateway, you don’t need anymore to install software or to configure it, it is plug&​play:​ you connect the gateway to the network with an Ethernet connection and the gateway will be automatically self-provisioned and configured for your needs. \\ +
- +
-Supported configuration includes: +
-  * Connection to Kerlink Wanesy Management Center (WMC). +
-  * 4G backhaul configuration. +
-  * Chirpstack or TTN configuration. +
- +
-ZTP feature is available when the gateway boots for the first time with an available internet connection. +
-<note important>​The gateways already deployed or upgraded with KerOS FW 4.3.3 are not concerned by ZTP feature, only the gateways natively produced with KerOS FW 4.3.3 (and later versions) are concerned.</​note>​ +
-<note warning>​The gateway must remain powered up and connected to Internet with Ethernet during the entire ZTP process.</​note>​ +
- +
-To enable ZTP on a gateway, it must be pre-declared on Kerlink ZTP Management server.  +
-Please contact Kerlink for more information at [[]]+
- +
 ===== Connection to the gateway ===== ===== Connection to the gateway =====
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   * On the bottom of the page download the **liveburner IPK** file. This upgrade will factory reset the gateway and upgrade it with the last version. The current configuration is erased.   * On the bottom of the page download the **liveburner IPK** file. This upgrade will factory reset the gateway and upgrade it with the last version. The current configuration is erased.
-=== Upgrade with configuration preservation ===+=== Upgrade with configuration preservation=== 
 +== Upgrade from KerOS version A.x to A.y (same major version)== 
   * Go on the KerOS firmware last version page:  [[https://​​wirnet-productline/​doku.php?​id=wiki:​firmware:​lastversion|click here]]. ​   * Go on the KerOS firmware last version page:  [[https://​​wirnet-productline/​doku.php?​id=wiki:​firmware:​lastversion|click here]]. ​
   * On the bottom of the page download the **KerOS IPK** file.   * On the bottom of the page download the **KerOS IPK** file.
-  * If specific files need to be preserved consult the upgrade information page:  [[https://​​wirnet-productline/​doku.php?​id=wiki:​keros_custo:​upgrade|click here]].+  * If specific files need to be preserved consult the upgrade information page:  [[https://​​wirnet-productline/​doku.php?​id=wiki:​keros_custo:​upgrade#​upgrade_process|click here]]. 
 +== Major version upgrade from KerOS version 4.3.3 to 5.5.4== 
 +KerOS v5.x introduces some important modifications. If some elements, like the configuration,​ need to be kept during the upgrade from version 4.3.3 to 5.5.4, a specific upgrade must be follow. The procedure is described on the "Major version upgrade with a custom liveburner"​ page:  [[https://​​wirnet-productline/​doku.php?​id=wiki:​keros_custo:​upgrade_major_version|click here]]. 
 ==== Update the firmware:​==== ==== Update the firmware:​====
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 ===== Connect an iFemtoCell-evolution to AWS IoT Core ===== ===== Connect an iFemtoCell-evolution to AWS IoT Core =====
-  * Please contact Kerlink Support team at [[]] to get a Magic Link to update the gateway with the relevant firmware. +See [[wiki:​lora:​basic_station_forwarder#​aws_lns_configuration_tool|AWS LNS configuration tool]]
-  * [[https://​​wirnet-productline/​doku.php?​id=wiki:lora:aws|How to connect a gateway to AWS IoT Core?]]+
 ===== Connect an iFemtoCell-evolution to The Things Network ===== ===== Connect an iFemtoCell-evolution to The Things Network =====
-[[https://​​wirnet-productline/​doku.php?​id=wiki:keros_custo:keros_applications_configuration#connect_a_wirnet_i-series_gateway_to_the_things_network|How to connect a gateway to The Things Network?]]+See [[wiki:lora:​basic_station_forwarder#​ttn_lns_configuration_tool|TTN LNS configuration tool]] 
 +===== Connect an iFemtoCell-evolution to Loriot ​===== 
 +See [[wiki:lora:basic_station_forwarder#loriot_lns_configuration_tool|Loriot LNS configuration tool]]
-===== Connect an iFemtoCell-evolution to ChripStack ​=====+===== Connect an iFemtoCell-evolution to ChirpStack ​=====
-[[https://​​wirnet-productline/​doku.php?​id=wiki:​keros_custo:​keros_applications_configuration#​connect_a_wirnet_i-series_gateway_to_chirpstack|How to connect a gateway to ChripStack?]]+[[https://​​wirnet-productline/​doku.php?​id=wiki:​keros_custo:​keros_applications_configuration#​connect_a_wirnet_i-series_gateway_to_chirpstack|How to connect a gateway to ChirpStack?]]
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 +===== Administrative information =====
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wiki/quickstart/quickstart_ifevo.1637838885.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/11/25 12:14 by ehe