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wiki:scan [2019/01/08 14:56]
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-====== Radio scanning ====== 
-===== Boot Noise Measurment ===== 
-The ''​BNM'',​ which stand for Boot Noise Measurement,​ initiates a spectral scan at startup. 
-==== The BNM files ==== 
-├── etc 
-│   ​├── bnm 
-│   ​│ ​  ​├── bnm-868.conf ​                          # The board configuration file. 
-│   ​│ ​  │ 
-│   ​│ ​  ​└── bnm.conf ​                              # The global configuration file. 
-│   │ 
-│   ​├── init.d 
-│   ​│ ​  ​└── bnm                                    # The startup script. 
-│   │ 
-│   ​└── rc5.d 
-│       ​└── S55bnm -> ../​init.d/​bnm ​               # The BNM is started whith runlevel 5. 
-├── usr 
-│   ​├── bin 
-│   ​│ ​  ​└── klk_spectral_scan ​                     # The utility which run the spectral scan. 
-│   │ 
-│   ​└── share 
-│       ​└── bnm 
-│           ​├── bnm-868.conf ​                      # The default board configuration files. 
-│           ​├── bnm-915.conf ​                      # These files define the min and max frequencies 
-│           ​├── bnm-923.conf ​                      # to scan. 
-│           │ 
-│           ​└── klk-loraloc-v1.0.6.kbin ​           # The needed loraloc firmware. 
-└── var 
-    ├── backups 
-    │   ​└── bnm 
-    │       ​├── bnm.0.tar.gz ​                      # The backup files. Every output files are included 
-    │       ​└── bnm.1.tar.gz ​                      # in these files. Backup files are rotated by size. 
-    └── log 
-        └── bnm 
-            ├── bnm_slot1_radio1_180219155423.csv ​ # The last output files. There is one for each slot 
-            └── bnm_slot1_radio2_180219155423.csv ​ # and for each radio. 
-==== Configure BNM ==== 
-These parameters can be changed by the user in the global configuration file ''/​etc/​bnm/​bnm.conf''​. 
-The BNM feature takes some time when the gateway is booting. To avoid Boot Noise Measurement,​ disable it in this file (Set ''​disable''​ in the field ''​BNM_ENABLE''​). \\ 
-The default configuration is the following. 
-<file bash bnm.conf>​ 
-# BNM is executed at boot. 
-# Radio configuration. 
-RADIO_NB="​1 2" 
-# Number of samples by frequency. 
-# Additional arguments for klk_spectral_scan. 
-# Number of seconds before scans timeout. 
-# Backup size in bytes. 
-//''​RADIO_NB''​ parameter is only available for Wirnet iBTS as this gateway owns 2 LoRa modems per LoRa module (until 4 LoRa modules). On Wirnet iFemtoCell, there is only one LoRa modem and no LoRa module.//\\ 
-The start frequency and the stop frequency are defined in the default board configuration file. The board configuration file name changes according to the region. 
-<file bash bnm-868.conf>​ 
-# Radio configuration. 
-==== Example ==== 
-=== The BNM is launched at startup === 
-Starting BNM... done 
-Starting ifplugd: done 
-Starting Status manager 
-Starting System manager 
-Starting Time manager 
-Starting SMS manager 
-Starting Lighttpd Web Server: lighttpd. 
-Starting MonitStarting Monit 5.20.0 daemon with http interface at [localhost]:​2812 
-Starting network management services: snmpd. 
-Executing network monitoring daemon... 
-Keros (Kerlink OS Distribution) 4.0.2 klk-lpbs-050789 /​dev/​console 
-klk-lpbs-050789 login: root 
-=== Get the result === 
-The result of the measurement is available in the ''/​var/​log/​bnm/''​ folder. 
-  * __Wirnet iBTS example:​__<​code>​ 
-root@klk-lpbs-XXXXXX:/​ # ll /​var/​log/​bnm/​ 
-drwxr-xr-x ​   2 root     ​root ​       4.0K Aug 23 09:20 . 
-drwxr-xr-x ​   3 root     ​root ​       4.0K Aug 23 09:19 .. 
--rw-r--r-- ​   1 root     ​root ​       1.0K Aug 23 09:20 bnm_slot2_radio1_180823091951.csv 
--rw-r--r-- ​   1 root     ​root ​       1.0K Aug 23 09:20 bnm_slot2_radio2_180823091951.csv 
-In this example, one LoRa module is connected. For each LoRa module, the spectral scan is done for the channel 1 and for the channel 2. \\ 
-To configure the BNM to scan only one channel modify the field ''​RADIO_NB="​1 2"''​. \\ 
-''​RADIO_NB="​1"'':​ Only channel 1 will be scan.\\ 
-''​RADIO_NB="​2"'':​ Only channel 2 will be scan. 
-  * __Wirnet iFemtoCell example:​__<​code>​ 
-root@klk-wifc-XXXXXX:​~ # ll /​var/​log/​bnm/​ 
-drwxr-xr-x ​   2 root     ​root ​       4.0K Jan  8 10:38 . 
-drwxr-xr-x ​   3 root     ​root ​       4.0K Jan  8 10:38 .. 
--rw-r--r-- ​   1 root     ​root ​       1.6K Jan  8 10:39 bnm_190108103858.csv 
-=== Interpret the result === 
-The following is the result of the spectral scan analysis on a Wirnet iBTS on the LoRa module located in slot 2 and for the radio channel 2. \\ 
-The default configuration uses frequency steps of 1MHz on a 62500Hz bandwidth. \\ 
-For each frequency, 20 samples are taken. For 868 MHz gateway, the start frequency is 853 MHz and the stop frequency 883 MHz. 
-Thus 620 samples are measured. Former measurements are backuped in the directory ''/​var/​backups/​bnm''​. ​ 
-root@klk-lpbs-XXXXXXcat :~ # cat /​var/​log/​bnm/​bnm_slot2_radio2_180823093716.csv ​ 
-In the above result, 20 measures have been done for 863 MHz frequency. 1 time the result was -125 dBm, 16 times -124 dBm and 3 times -123 dBm. 
-==== Known issues ==== 
-  * The number of frequency steps is limited to 255. Mind that the step number must be below that limit. Adjustments are possible by configuring ''​START_FREQ_MHZ'',​ ''​STOP_FREQ_MHZ''​ and ''​STEP_FREQ_MHZ''​. 
-  * BNM frequency configuration files depending on the board (''​bnm-868.conf'',​ ''​bnm-923.conf'',​ ''​bnm-915.conf''​) are not kept by default when upgrading the gateway. ​ These files are not written in ''​sysupgrade.conf''​ and must be added if necessary. 
-<ifauth @admin,​@klk>​ 
-===== Manuel radio scanning (for Wirnet iBTS only) ===== 
-LOC modules (used to send/​receive LoRa RF) contain a chip (sx1239) used as a radio scanner. 
-To use this radio scanner, the first step is to connect to the sx1239 through the ''​microcom''​ serial terminal. ​ 
-The path of the sx1239 can be retrieved in the ''/​tmp/​sys_startup_status.json''​ json file in the ''​acm_path''​ field. Depending on the gateway used, up to 4 paths can be present on it. 
-<code bash> 
-$ grep acm_path /​tmp/​sys_startup_status.json 
-"​acm_path":​ "/​dev/​slot/​2/​ttyACM",​ 
-"​acm_path":​ "/​dev/​slot/​3/​ttyACM",​ 
-Once the slot of a modem is identified, the serial port can be opened with the ''​microcom''​ command, with one of the previously displayed paths as parameter. To log the traces of the ''​microcom''​ command, a pipe to the ''​tee''​ command is used. 
-<code bash> 
-$ microcom /​dev/​slot/​2/​ttyACM | tee /​tmp/​spectral_scan.log ​ 
-The command to start a spectrum scanning is ''​sx1239'',​ with the following parameters: ​ 
-  * scan mode: need to be fl 
-  * number of paths: need to be 1 for Lora Dual modem 
-  * start frequency in Hertz 
-  * stop frequency in Hertz (a maximum bandwidth of 15MHz between the start and stop frequencies can be used) 
-  * frequency step in Hertz (should be 62500) 
-  * frequency bandwidth in Hertz (should be 62500) ​ 
-  * bitrate (should be 600) 
-  * loop number, set to 0 for an infinite scanning 
-<code bash> 
-$ sx1239 fl 1 863000000 865000000 62500 62500 600 10 
-#press ctrl+x to exit microcom 
-The spectrum data are returned line by line. Each line corresponds to a complete scan of the band. The format is ASCII and respects the following protocol: 
-Where : 
-  * [PATH] : radio path number : 0 or 1 (always 0 for Lora Dual modem) 
-  * [DURATION] : duration of the scan of the full band expressed in milli-seconds coded as a decimal 
-  * [DATA] : N x data coded as hexascii between 00 and FF, it expresses the opposite of the received power (-RSSI) 
-  * [END] : synchro character: \r\n (0x0D 0x0A) 
-The following command is an example of how to convert the raw data contained in the ''​spectral_scan.log''​ file to decimal RSSI values in dBm. (it requires gawk, therefore, it cannot be directly used on the gateway). 
-<code bash> 
-$ grep "​0:"​ spectral_scan.log | sed '​s/​^[\0-9]:​[0-9]*://​g'​ | sed '​s/​.\{2\}/&​ /g' | awk --non-decimal-data '​{for(i=1;​i<​=NF;​i++) $i=sprintf("​%d","​0x"​$i)}1'​ | sed '​s/​\([0-9]\+\)/​-\1/​g'​ 
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wiki/scan.1546955771.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/01/17 10:01 (external edit)