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wiki:spf [2018/03/09 10:06]
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-====== Packet forwarder ====== 
-===== What is the packet forwarder ===== 
-The packet forwarder is a program running on the host of a Lora gateway. It forwards RF packets received by the gateway to a server through a IP/UDP link, and emits RF packets that are sent by the server.\\ 
-Every X seconds the program displays statistics about the received and sent RF packets, and about the received and sent network datagrams. The program also send a few statistics to the server in JSON format.\\ 
-For a full packet forwarder description and the way it works, read the "​Semtech readme file" available in each packet forwarder [[wiki:​resources#​semtech_packet_forwarder_v2|resource page]]. 
-===== How to install the packet forwarder? ===== 
-<fc #​4682b4>​**Step 1** - Choose the packet forwarder to install from the [[wiki:​resources#​semtech_packet_forwarder_v2|resource page]]. Choosing the last version of the packet forwarder is recommended.</​fc>​\\ 
-<fc #​4682b4>​**Step 2** - Retrieve the current firmware and FPGA versions.</​fc>​\\ 
-<fc #​4682b4>​**Step 3** - Check that they are compatible with the packet forwarder (from compatibility section of the packet forwarder page). If there are not update them ([[wiki:​sw_updates|software updates page]].</​fc>​).\\ 
-<fc #​4682b4>​**Step 4** - Download the packet forwarder precompiled .ipk file.</​fc>​\\ 
-<fc #​4682b4>​**Step 5** - Install the .ipk file using the instructions of the [[wiki:​sw_updates|software updates page]].</​fc>​ 
-===== How to configure and monitor the packet forwarder? ===== 
-  * [[wiki:​loraloc_spf-5.1.0| Wirnet™ iBTS Packet Forwarder v5.1.0 - instructions (February 2018)]] 
-  * [[wiki:​loraloc_spf-4.0.0| Wirnet™ iBTS Packet Forwarder v4.0.0 - instructions (June 2017)]] 
-  * [[wiki:​loraloc_spf-3.3.1| Wirnet™ iBTS Packet Forwarder v3.3.1 and lower - instructions (January 2017)]] 
-  * The associated semtech HAL is indicated in the name of IPK:  ​ 
-    * ''​packet-forwarder-v2_<​version>​-**<​HAL>​**_klk_lpbs.ipk''​ 
-<note important>​ 
-Due to firewall modification in firmware v3.3.3, the packet forwarders, version 5.1.0 and lower, need to be specially configurated for this firmware version. \\ \\ 
-Modify the firewall rules in the file ''/​user/​spf2/​bin/​''​. \\ 
-In files, the rules must be add with ''​iptables -I''​ command instead of ''​iptables -A''​ command. \\ 
-The following commands will correctly adapt the script ​ ''/​user/​spf2/​bin/​'':​ 
-sed -i "/​null/​ s/​-A/​-I/"​ /​user/​spf2/​bin/​ 
-/​etc/​init.d/​firewall restart 
-monit restart spf2 
wiki/spf.1520586410.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/01/17 10:01 (external edit)