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wiki:sw_history [2018/03/09 10:10]
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-====== Firmware Release History ====== 
-This page lists the main firmware releases and their associated major updates regarding previous one. 
-===== Firmware 3.3.3 (February 2018) ===== 
-  * [Radio] Add Boot Noise Measurment at board startup. 
-  * [Network] Add two network monitoring systems. 
-  * [Firewall] Firewall rules are now in user-editable files. 
-  * [Firewall] The same firewall rules as IPV4 are applied to IPV6. 
-  * [Upgrade] Allow upgrade with same version. 
-  * [Upgrade] Improved error handling during upgrades. 
-===== Firmware 3.1.16 (October 2017) ===== 
-  * Handle large packets correctly on GPRS/3G/4G. 
-  * Fix: security issue with USB password. 
-  * Fix: [Synchro] Correct GPS synchronization with ethernet cable plugged. 
-===== Firmware 3.1.13 (October 2017) ===== 
-  * [Ofono] Add a way to reset Ofono SIM configuration. 
-  * [Ofono] GPRS provisioning priority: The APN provided in provisioning file has priority over ''​serviceprovider.xml''​. 
-  * [GSM] SIM compatibility improvements. 
-  * Fix: [Boot] Command “halt” reboots the board. 
-  * Fix: [Synchro] No time synchronization with Ethernet cable. 
-===== Firmware 3.1.11 (September 2017) ===== 
-  * Add TAI support. 
-  * NTP: Fix GPS use as NTPd source. 
-  * SSH: Explicitly set some hardening options. 
-===== Firmware 3.1.7 (June 2017) ===== 
-  * Daemons updates (Monit, Ofono, Connman). 
-  * Trustzone and ProvenRun software updates. 
-  * OpenVPN management evolution. 
-  * Add IPSEC/​Strongswan support. 
-  * Improve security. 
-  * Support for remove package. 
-  * GSM: SIM PIN provisioning by Ofono. 
-  * GSM management refactoring. 
-  * Correction around discovery script(calibration and GSM detection). 
-  * Correct unwanted watchdog. 
-===== Firmware 2.0.4 (August 2016) ===== 
-  * Add [[https://​​monit/​|Monit]] package. 
-  * Handle Watchdog automatically (by monit). 
-  * Enable local time change. 
-  * Fix loraloc FPGA flash tool. 
-  * usbkey: allow 1000 passwords check (instead 100). 
-  * Add support for liveburner. 
-===== Firmware 2.0.2 (July 2016) ===== 
-  * Fix Connman LAN configuration. 
-  * Fix Calibration parameters generation (/​tmp/​calib_loraloc.json). 
-===== Firmware 2.0.0 (2016) ===== 
-  * Integrates Connman + Ofono. 
-  * Ready for full security (Secureboot,​ hidden OpenVPN credentials,​ ...). 
-  * Global update on all packages (Yocto update 1.8 -> 2.1). 
-  * Add monitoring daemon "​monit"​ (Version 5.18). 
-===== Firmware 1.x.y (2016) ===== 
-Legacy firmware for CPU Module. 
-<note warning> ​ 
-Due to multiple changes in eMMC layout, 2.x.y and 1.x.y firmware **ARE NOT** compatible. \\ 
-Due to multiple changes in eMMC layout, 3.x.y and 1.x.y firmware **ARE NOT** compatible. \\ 
-liveburner_legacy is the **ONLY** package able to upgrade from 1.x.y to 2.x.y and from 1.x.y to 3.x.y \\ 
-In order to update from 1.x.y firmware, please contact </​note>​ 
wiki/sw_history.1520586650.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/01/17 10:01 (external edit)