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wiki:systeme_mana:peripherals [2022/04/15 13:12]
gat [Common LEDs]
wiki:systeme_mana:peripherals [2022/04/15 13:14] (current)
gat [Other LEDs]
Line 193: Line 193:
 ^ Status ^  Backhaul LED  ^ ^ Status ^  Backhaul LED  ^
 | **Boot** ​  | <fc #​ff0000>​Red</​fc>​ | | **Boot** ​  | <fc #​ff0000>​Red</​fc>​ |
 +| **WMC - Not connected (2)**   | <fc #​ff0000>​Red</​fc>​ |
 +| **WMC - During connection (2)**   | <fc #​008000>​Green blinking </fc> |
 +| **WMC - Connected (2)**   | <fc #​008000>​Green </fc> |
 +^ Status ^  LoRa traffic ​ ^
 +| **Boot** ​  | <fc #​ff0000>​Red</​fc>​ |
 +| **Packet forwarder - Rx (1)** | <fc #​008000>​Green blinking </fc> |
 +| **Packet forwarder - Tx (1)** | <fc #​ff0000>​Red blinking </fc> |
 +(1): This LEDs behavior is only available in the packet forwarder provided on this wiki.
 +(2): This LEDs behavior is only available when Wanesy Management Center is used.
 +Wirnet iZeptoCell ​ |
 +There are 3 LEDs on the Wirnet iZeptoCell:
 +  * LED 1 : Power/​Status (represent with the power symbol)
 +  * LED 2 : Backhaul (represent with the screen symbol) ​
 +  * LED 3 : LoRa Traffic (represent with the radio wave symbol)
 +^ Status ^  Backhaul LED  ^
 | **WMC - Not connected (2)**   | <fc #​ff0000>​Red</​fc>​ | | **WMC - Not connected (2)**   | <fc #​ff0000>​Red</​fc>​ |
 | **WMC - During connection (2)**   | <fc #​008000>​Green blinking </fc> | | **WMC - During connection (2)**   | <fc #​008000>​Green blinking </fc> |
wiki/systeme_mana/peripherals.1650021155.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/04/15 13:12 by gat