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wiki:toolchain [2019/09/25 15:40]
ghi removed
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-====== Toolchain ====== 
-Kerlink provides the cross-toolchain,​ libraries and headers necessary to the compilation of an application. \\ 
-The provided toolchain and development procedure are dedicated to Linux x86 computer (64 bits). There is no embedded compiler in the Wirnet™ Productline gateways. 
-===== Install ===== 
-Retrieve the toolchain installation package corresponding to your firmware version [[wiki:​resources#​keros_firmware_and_toolchain|from the resources page]]. 
-Execute the script: 
-  * The path for 4.0.X firmwares for Wirnet iBTS is ''<​fc #​ff0000>/​opt/​toolchains/​lpbs</​fc>''​. 
-  * The path for 4.0.X firmwares for Wirnet iFemtoCell is ''<​fc #​ff0000>/​opt/​toolchains/​wifc</​fc>''​. 
-  * The path for 4.1.X firmwares for all Wirnet™ Productline gateways is ''<​fc #​ff0000>/​opt/​toolchains/​klkgw</​fc>''​. 
-<code bash> 
-./​ ​ 
-Poky (Yocto Project Reference Distro) SDK installer version 2.4.2 
-Enter target directory for SDK (default: /​opt/​poky/​2.4.2):​ /​opt/​toolchains/​klkgw 
-You are about to install the SDK to "/​opt/​toolchains/​klkgw"​. Proceed[Y/​n]?​ y 
-Extracting SDK...............................................................done 
-Setting it up...done 
-SDK has been successfully set up and is ready to be used. 
-Each time you wish to use the SDK in a new shell session, you need to source the environment setup script e.g. 
- $ . /​opt/​toolchains/​klkgw/​environment-setup-armv7ahf-neon-poky-linux-gnueabi 
-In order to avoid issues with Makefile using "​CFLAGS"​ or "​LDFLAGS",​ please modify the toolchain environment file (**using the corresponding toolchain directory ''/​opt/​toolchains/​lpbs/​...''​ or ''/​opt/​toolchains/​wifc/​...''​**):​ 
-<code bash> 
-cat << EOF >> /​opt/​toolchains/​klkgw/​environment-setup-armv7ahf-neon-poky-linux-gnueabi 
-unset CFLAGS 
-unset CXXFLAGS 
-unset LDFLAGS 
-Source the toolchain environment (**using the corresponding toolchain directory ''/​opt/​toolchains/​lpbs/​...''​ or ''/​opt/​toolchains/​wifc/​...''​**):​ 
-<code bash> 
-source /​opt/​toolchains/​klkgw/​environment-setup-armv7ahf-neon-poky-linux-gnueabi 
-System is ready to use ''​make'',​ ''​autotools''​ or ''​cmake''​. 
wiki/toolchain.1569418857.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/09/25 15:40 by ghi