====== Frequently Asked Questions ======
* __**Common FAQ**__
[[wiki:support:faq#what_is_default_login_password|What is default login/password?]]\\
[[wiki:support:faq#what_to_do_in_case_the_password_has_been_lost|What to do in case the password has been lost?]]\\
[[wiki:support:faq#how_to_read_software_version|How to read software version?]]\\
[[wiki:support:faq#how_to_manually_update_the_gateway_firmware|How to manually update the gateway firmware?]]\\
[[wiki:support:faq#how_to_factory_reset_the_gateway|How to factory reset the gateway?]]\\
[[wiki:support:faq#what_is_the_default_leds_behavior|What is the default LEDs behavior?]]\\
[[wiki:support:faq#what_is_the_button_behavior|What is the button behavior?]]\\
[[wiki:support:faq#how_to_shutdown_restart_the_gateway|How to shutdown/restart the gateway?]]\\
[[[wiki:support:faq#where_are_the_logs|Where are the logs?]]\\
[[wiki:support:faq#is_an_SDK_available?|Is an SDK available?]]\\
[[wiki:support:faq#how_to_install_additional_python_modules?|How to install additional python modules?]]\\
* __**Wirnet™ iBTS FAQ**__
[[wiki:support:faq#what_is_default_wirnet_iBTS_hostname|What is default Wirnet iBTS hostname?]]\\
[[wiki:support:faq#how_to_configure_diversity_on_iBTS|How to configure DIVERSITY on iBTS?]]\\
[[wiki:support:faq#how_to_read_fpga_version|How to read FPGA version?]]\\
* __**Wirnet™ iFemtoCell FAQ**__
[[wiki:support:faq#what_is_default_wirnet_ifemtocell_hostname|What is default Wirnet iFemtoCell hostname?]]\\
* __**Wirnet™ iStation FAQ**__
[[wiki:support:faq#what_is_default_wirnet_istation_hostname|What is default Wirnet iStation hostname?]]\\
* __**Wirnet™ iZeptoCell FAQ**__
[[wiki:support:faq#what_is_default_wirnet_izeptocell_hostname|What is default Wirnet iZeptoCell hostname?]]\\
* __**Common FAQ**__
===== What is default login/password? =====
The default root password is defined here: [[wiki:systeme_mana:connection_credentials#default_password|Credentials]].
===== What to do in case the password has been lost? =====
In case the root password of the gateway has been lost, an autorun script can be used on a USB key to reset the password. Refer to the [[wiki:keros_custo:sw_updates#specific_files|USB autorun section]] and to the [[wiki:systeme_mana:connection_credentials#how_to_change_the_passwords|change the passwords section]] for more information.
If the USB password has also been lost, the product can be restored to factory settings, please refer to [[wiki:support:faq#how_to_factory_reset_the_gateway|How to factory reset the gateway section]]
Otherwise, please contact the support.
===== How to read software version? =====
Firmware version is written in the file ''/etc/version''.
$ cat /etc/version
Firmware version is also displayed on Web Interface:\\
===== How to manually update the gateway firmware? =====
It can be done by IP network or USB. Please refer to [[wiki:keros_custo:sw_updates|Software update]] dedicated section.
===== How to factory reset the gateway? =====
==== Via physical Button ====
Please refer to [[wiki:systeme_mana:features#manual_stock_restore|Manual stock restore]] dedicated section.
==== Via Web interface ====
To factory reset the gateway, you can use the stock restore feature. A “stock restore” will factory reset the gateway. **All data will be lost**.
==== Via SSH ====
To trigger a "stock restore" execute the following commands:
# kerosd -s
# reboot
More information about "stock restore" feature is available [[wiki:systeme_mana:features#stock_restore|here]].
==== Via SMS ====
Two SMS can be sent to the gateway to factory reset the gateway.
1st SMS to send to the gateway:
[login:password] [sms_command_id] system/restore/stock
2nd SMS to send to the gateway:
[login:password] [sms_command_id] system/reboot
More information about "SMS" feature is available [[wiki:systeme_mana:sms|here]].
===== What is the default LEDs behavior? =====
The LEDs behavior is described [[wiki:systeme_mana:peripherals#leds| here]].
===== How to shutdown/restart the gateway? =====
Once connected:
* To stop the gateway, use the command ''halt''.\\
* To reboot the gateway, use the command ''reboot''.
Manually, you can also use ON/OFF button (excepting for iFemtocell).
===== What is the button behavior? =====
* On Wirnet iFemtocell, the reset button is a hardware reset button. \\
* On Wirnet iZeptoCell, the reset button behaviour is:
* **Reboot**: Shortly Press the button (1 second)
* **Halt**: Press the button 5 seconds to halt the gateway for 2 minutes. This action is preconized before removing power supply to avoid any risk to alter memory. The gateway is then reset after 2mn (back to normal functioning).
* On all other products, the button is a ON/OFF button. Similarly to a computer ON/OFF button, this button is intended to perform a reboot, power down and power up of the gateway:
* **Reboot**
* Shortly Press the button (less than 1 second)
* **Power down**
* Press the button between 1 to 5 seconds to **halt** the gateway
* Wait for the shutdown of the gateway i.e. until the LEDs are switched off.
* The shutdown may take up to 30 seconds depending on the current software activity.
* **Hard Power-down**
* Press the button more than 5 seconds.
* **Power on**
* Press the button during 1 second to power the gateway on.
===== Where are the logs? =====
Most traces of the Wirnet™ i-series gateways can be found under ''/var/log/messages*''.
===== Is an SDK available? =====
Kerlink doesn’t provide an SDK to generate KerOs firmwares, just what is necessary to build an application.
Information about the Toolchain is available in the [[wiki:keros_custo:toolchain|toolchain page]].
===== How to install additional python modules? =====
Pip3 python package manager is available on KerOS 5.\\
This tool is not available on previous KerOS version.
Modules without C binding can be added with the command ''pip3 install ''.
root@klk-wifc-0609C9:~ # pip3 install serial
root@klk-wifc-0609C9:~ # pip3 install serial
Collecting serial
Downloading serial-0.0.97-py2.py3-none-any.whl (40 kB)
|████████████████████████████████| 40 kB 899 kB/s
Collecting future>=0.17.1
Downloading future-0.18.3.tar.gz (840 kB)
|████████████████████████████████| 840 kB 2.5 MB/s
Collecting pyyaml>=3.13
Downloading PyYAML-6.0.1.tar.gz (125 kB)
|████████████████████████████████| 125 kB 3.2 MB/s
Installing build dependencies ... done
Getting requirements to build wheel ... done
Preparing wheel metadata ... done
Collecting iso8601>=0.1.12
Downloading iso8601-2.0.0-py3-none-any.whl (7.5 kB)
Building wheels for collected packages: pyyaml
Building wheel for pyyaml (PEP 517) ... done
Created wheel for pyyaml: filename=PyYAML-6.0.1-cp38-cp38-linux_armv7l.whl size=45360 sha256=a9575dd7de27bf328ba068c705a2bdd402d1f3f211a840cad6538317365430f0
Stored in directory: /home/root/.cache/pip/wheels/77/54/77/68b3079bd1d88cb070513c3935d9f7e32c70ad69368375308d
Successfully built pyyaml
Installing collected packages: future, pyyaml, iso8601, serial
Running setup.py install for future ... done
Successfully installed future-0.18.3 iso8601-2.0.0 pyyaml-6.0.1 serial-0.0.97
* __**Wirnet™ iBTS FAQ**__
===== What is default Wirnet iBTS hostname? =====
The default hostname of the Wirnet iBTS is “klk-lpbs-**04014F**” where **04014F** is the end of the CPU serial number. This information is present on the sticker placed on the CPU module.
{{ :images:cpu_ibts.jpg?nolink&400 |}}
===== How to configure DIVERSITY on iBTS? =====
It's possible to install a second LoRa antenna on iBTS.
* For physical installation, please see Quick start guide [[wiki:quickstart:quickstart_ibts#documentation|Setup of Wirnet™ iBTS Gateway]]
It's very important to take care of distance between antennas.
* For Packet Forwarder configuration, you can consult iBTS __Dual antenna configuration__ section (hidden menu), in chapter **1.1 lorad configuration**: [[wiki:lora:cpf_configuration|Keros 4.3.3: CPF configuration]]
===== How to read FPGA version? =====
FPGA versions are contained in ''/tmp/board_info.json'' file: parameter ''fpga_swver''.\\
There is one FPGA per LoRaLOC board. If you have 3 LoRaLOC, there will be 3 versions in the file. \\
__Example__: On this gateway, FPGA version is v61.\\
# grep "fpga_swver" /tmp/board_info.json
"fpga_swver": "61",
"fpga_swver": "61",
"fpga_swver": "61",
* __**Wirnet™ iFemtoCell FAQ**__
===== What is default Wirnet iFemtoCell hostname? =====
The default hostname of the Wirnet iFemtoCell is “klk-wifc-**020010**” where **020010** is the end of the board ID. This information is present on the sticker placed on the rear side of the case.
{{ :images:sticker_femto.png?nolink&350 |}}
* __**Wirnet™ iStation FAQ**__
===== What is default Wirnet iStation hostname? =====
The default hostname of the Wirnet iStation is “klk-wiis-**020011**” where **020011** is the end of the board ID. This information is present on a sticker placed on the right view of the case.
===== What is default Wirnet iZeptoCell hostname? =====
The default hostname of the Wirnet iZeptoCell Ethernet is “klk-zeth-**020011**” where **020011** is the end of the gateway EUI.