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wiki:wiki3:gateway_sw_3.1 [2019/06/21 16:30]
wiki:wiki3:gateway_sw_3.1 [2020/09/09 17:09] (current)
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 ====== v3.1 Gateway Software Releases ====== ====== v3.1 Gateway Software Releases ======
-<note important>​**CAUTION:​ Theses packages are only dedicated to connect gateways to WMC v3.1. \\ They are not intented ​to be used with WMC v2.3 \\ \\ Wirnet Station must be updated to firmware 3.1 before using these megapackages. \\ Installing these megapackages on Wirnet Station firmware 2.x will brick the gateway.** ​ </​note>​+<note important>​**CAUTION:​ Theses packages are only dedicated to connect gateways to WMC v3.1. \\ They are not intended ​to be used with WMC v2.3 **</​note> ​  
 +<note important>​**Wirnet Station must be updated to firmware 3.1 before using these megapackages. \\ Installing these megapackages on Wirnet Station firmware 2.x will brick the gateway.** ​ </​note>​
 ===== Download ===== ===== Download =====
 ^ Product ​                ^ Megapackage ​       ^md5sum ​     ^                          ^ Product ​                ^ Megapackage ​       ^md5sum ​     ^                         
-| **Wirnet iBTS** | {{ :​wiki3:​custom-liveburner_4.0.2_klk-lpbs_wmc_3.1.3.ipk | custom-liveburner_4.0.2_klk-lpbs_WMC_3.1.3.ipk}} ​  ​| ​91d332e232d663d5e01f19a859d4d18d ​+| **Wirnet iBTS** | {{ :​wiki3:​custom-liveburner_4.0.2_klk-lpbs_wmc_3.1.4.ipk | custom-liveburner_4.0.2_klk-lpbs_wmc_3.1.4.ipk}} ​  ​| ​2d8a7f22544cc2acf6544e02d9a7178a ​
-| **Wirnet iFemtoCell** | {{  :​wiki3:​custom-liveburner_4.0.4_klk-wifc_wmc_3.1.3.ipk | custom-liveburner_4.0.4_klk-wifc_WMC_3.1.3.ipk}} ​ | c7a993bbce88905baf2f2ca35dc17702 ​+| **Wirnet iFemtoCell** | {{  :​wiki3:​custom-liveburner_4.0.4_klk-wifc_wmc_3.1.4.ipk | custom-liveburner_4.0.4_klk-wifc_WMC_3.1.4.ipk}} ​ | 7316746133a08d0f59ae302c043eea40 ​
-| **Wirnet Station** | {{ :​wiki3:​fwupgrade_wirmav2_wirnet_v3.6_wmc_v3.1.3.tar.gz | fwupgrade_wirmaV2_wirnet_v3.6_WMC_v3.1.3.tar.gz}} ​ | 9a6f5203bcfae284edd9907e47117f17 ​|+| **Wirnet Station** | {{ :​wiki3:​fwupgrade_wirmav2_wirnet_v3.6_wmc_v3.1.6.tar.gz | fwupgrade_wirmav2_wirnet_v3.6_wmc_v3.1.6.tar.gz}} ​ | b74737609413bb65b5f68716568da150 ​|
 === Compatibility matrix === === Compatibility matrix ===
-^ Product ​                ​^ ​   FW    ^    ​CPF      ​^ ​   BSCC     ​^ ​  ​SNMP ​    ​^ ​    ​VPN ​   ^ +^ Product ​                ​^ ​   FW    ^    ​LORAD  ^   ​LORAFWD ​     ​^ ​   BSCC     ​^ ​  ​SNMP ​    ​^ ​    ​VPN ​   ^ 
-| **Wirnet iBTS** ​            ​| ​     4.0.2      |             1.06                ​|    3.1.   ​| ​ 3.1.    |   3.     | +| **Wirnet iBTS** ​            ​| ​     4.0.2      |             1.0.5-1    |   ​1.0.7-1 ​           ​|    3.1.   ​| ​ 3.1.    |   3.     | 
-| **Wirnet iFemtoCell** ​      ​| ​     4.0.4      |             ​1.0.7 ​              ​|   3.1.   ​| ​ 3.1.    |   3.0      ​+| **Wirnet iFemtoCell** ​      ​| ​     4.0.4      |             1.0.5-1 ​   |   1.0.7-1            ​|   3.1.   ​| ​ 3.1.    |   3.1     
-| **Wirnet Station** ​         |      3.6        |             ​1.0.7 ​              ​|   3.1.    |  3.1.    |   3.     |+| **Wirnet Station** ​         |      3.6        |             1.0.5-2 ​   |   1.0.7-2            ​|   3.1.    |  3.1.    |   3.     |
-NB: the megapackage 3.1.3 contains the same binaries than megapackage 3.1.2 with 2 workarounds added: workaround-10458-wmc-config - 1.0 and workaround-10558-lorafwd-connect - 1.0. 
 __Legend:__ \\ __Legend:__ \\
 **FW**: Firmware \\ **FW**: Firmware \\
 **CPF**: Common Packet Forwarder \\ **CPF**: Common Packet Forwarder \\
 +**LORAD**: LoRa Daemon \\
 +**LORAFWD**:​ LoRa Forwarder \\
 **BSCC**: Base Station Component Client \\ **BSCC**: Base Station Component Client \\
 **SNMP**: Simple Network Management Protocol \\ **SNMP**: Simple Network Management Protocol \\
Line 31: Line 34:
 This procedure used for automatic deployment can be used to upgrade or install software on a SINGLE or a GROUP of gateways. This procedure used for automatic deployment can be used to upgrade or install software on a SINGLE or a GROUP of gateways.
-You need to use 2 USB sticks.+You need to use 2 USB sticks, the first one to upgrade the firmware, the second one to install OpenVPN packages (all products) and other components (CPF, BSCC/SNMP, workarounds for WISTA products)
-**The .tar.gz files provided below are "​ready-to-use"​**. You only need to copy your OpenVPN packages on the second USB stick (in //​vpn_packages//​ for KerOS products and in *root directory* for Wirnet Stations):+**The .tar.gz files provided below are "​ready-to-use"​**. You only need to copy your OpenVPN packages on the second USB stick (secrets files in //​vpn_packages// ​directory and config file in //IBTS// or //IFEMTO// directory ​for KerOS products and in *root directory* for Wirnet Stations):
 +<note important>​From software release v3.1, The OpenVPN package has been splitted to a secret file (installed once) and a config file (can be installed several times)</​note>​
-**USB stick number 1:** {{:​wiki3:​auto_deploy_3.1.3_usb_stick_1.tar.gz | AUTO_DEPLOY_3.1.3_USB_STICK_1.tar.gz}} ​ \\ +^description ​                ​^file ​       ^md5sum ​     ^ 
-**USB stick number 2:** {{ :​wiki3:​auto_deploy_3.1.3_usb_stick_2.tar.gz | AUTO_DEPLOY_3.1.3_USB_STICK_2.tar.gz}} ​+|**USB stick number 1** {{:​wiki3:​auto_deploy_3.1.6_usb_stick_1.tar.gz | AUTO_DEPLOY_3.1.6_USB_STICK_1.tar.gz}} ​| 6c31bebc9f2942bb852adecd74a57284 | 
 +|**USB stick number 2** {{:​wiki3:​auto_deploy_3.1.6_usb_stick_2_bis.tar.gz | AUTO_DEPLOY_3.1.6_USB_STICK_2.tar.gz}} ​| 458c2c2c8684e732e3fb9023d3e4fa43 ​ |
 > 1. Deflate twice the tar.gz file on each USB stick in the root directory > 1. Deflate twice the tar.gz file on each USB stick in the root directory
-> 2. Copy files located in the folder AUTO_DEPLOY_3.1.3_USB_STICK_x ​in the root directory +> 2. Copy files located in the folder AUTO_DEPLOY_3.1.6_USB_STICK_x ​in the root directory 
-> 3. Add your OpenVPN packages in AUTO_DEPLOY_3.1.3_USB_STICK_2 ​before plugging ​sticks ​into the system.+> 3. Add your OpenVPN packages in AUTO_DEPLOY_3.1.6_USB_STICK_2 ​before plugging ​the stick into the system. 
 +> 4. Plug the first USB stick in the gateway USB slot 
 +> 5. Wait the end of the update 
 +> 6. Plug the second USB stick in the gateway USB slot 
 +> 7. Wait the end of the update
 +Refer to the specific wikis to get more details (ex led management) about software update via USB sticks: \\ \\
 +Wirnet Product Line (iBTS, iFemtocell):​ [[http://​​wirnet-productline/​doku.php?​id=wiki:​keros_custo:​sw_updates#​software_update_over_usb]] \\
 +Wirnet iBTS (before FW v4.0)[[http://​​wirnet-ibts/​doku.php?​id=wiki:​sw_updates#​software_update_over_usb]] \\
 +Wirnet iFemtoCell (before FW v4.0) [[http://​​wirnet-ifemtocell/​doku.php?​id=wirnet-ifemtocell:​software_updates#​software_update_over_usb]] \\
 +Wirnet Station: [[http://​​lora-station/​doku.php?​id=wiki:​updates#​usb_update_recommended]]
 ===== Changelog ===== ===== Changelog =====
-Corrections are listes ​below:+Corrections are listed ​below:
 <​code>​ <​code>​
Line 51: Line 69:
 3.1 keros : Fixing "​lns"​ resolution ​ 3.1 keros : Fixing "​lns"​ resolution ​
 3.1 using in embedded software configuration 3.1 using in embedded software configuration
-3.1 On station, if vpn ip address is changed, on RAN, ip adress ​is not updated+3.1 On station, if vpn ip address is changed, on RAN, ip address ​is not updated
 3.1 [Spectrum] - Spectrum analysis unavailable on WiFC 3.1 [Spectrum] - Spectrum analysis unavailable on WiFC
 3.1 [RNC] - Wifc modem stats are not available 3.1 [RNC] - Wifc modem stats are not available
Line 70: Line 88:
 3.1.1 When ugrading the iBTS with the megapackage v3.0.10 sometimes we are losing the WMC connexion in GSM mode (ofono issue) 3.1.1 When ugrading the iBTS with the megapackage v3.0.10 sometimes we are losing the WMC connexion in GSM mode (ofono issue)
 3.1.1 Cellular RSSI is not shown when using GSM backhaul 3.1.1 Cellular RSSI is not shown when using GSM backhaul
 +3.1.2 Fixed: When pressing the SEND button in the backhaul configuration,​ an error is priompted to the user
 +3.1.2 Fixed: [public MIB] bad response format for several oid
 +3.1.2 [ntp] bscc do not apply its configuration
 +3.1.3 [Radio configuration] channel configuration not applied on iBTS
 +3.1.3 [CPF] By default CPF doesn'​t connect to LNS
 +3.1.4 ofono: provisioning does not work with novatrack SIM cards
 +3.1.4 fails to restart the default service if a VPN is used
 +3.1.4 Dashboard software update does not work
 +3.1.4 List of ConfigurationDto is empty at first install
 +3.1.4 FPGA version is 255 after an upgrade with magic link from version 3.1.7 FPGA v58 on WMC 3.1
 +3.1.4 CPU of gateway is 100% because of bscc
 +3.1.4 Automatic connection in roaming cellular configuration lost after upgrade
 +3.1.5 [Wirnet Station] Bad lorad configuration after install using magic link
 +3.1.5 [knetd] Bad NIST file data since AID-HUI changes in ublox
 +3.1.6 [Wirnet Station][GSM] Configuration is not available from dashboard after upgrading embedded 3.0.10 => 3.1.5
 </​code>​ </​code>​
 ===== Restrictions ===== ===== Restrictions =====
-- VPN IP address modification is not displayed on dashboard \\ +- VPN IP address modification is not displayed on dashboard\\ 
-- Dashboard times out on large file uploads with slow connections \\ +- Dashboard times out on large file uploads with slow connections\\ 
-The backhaul configuration can’t ​be done using the dashboard for configuration without DHCP (missing DNS) and cellular ​(missing MCC and MNC) \\ +GPRS bearer: On Keros (iBTS and iFemtoCell),​ it is no more possible to configure GSM from WMC dashboard. It is disabled until MNC/MCC parameters could be set.\\ 
-- Backhaul priority is not working (but fallback/​failover feature works) \\ +- Wifi bearer: On iFemtoCell ​using wifi, before upgrading from v3.0.11 to v3.1.4, ​the wifi provisioning must be done manually both in connman ​(/​etc/​network/​connman/​wlan.config) and also in bscc (var.xml).\\ 
-- Workflow feature does not work if your WMC has a "​small"​ configuration (16Go) \\ +- Ethernet with static IP: On all platforms, provisioning must be done manually before upgrading to v3.1.4. ​\\ 
 +- Backhaul priority is not working (but fallback/​failover feature works)\\ 
 +- Workflow feature does not work if your WMC has a "​small"​ configuration (16Go)\\
wiki/wiki3/gateway_sw_3.1.1561127417.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/06/21 16:30 by tda