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Quick start Wanesy™ SPN

What's new?

For compatible iSeries ONLY: You can now download and install the SPN firmware & Slave license or SPN firmware & Master license using a single Magic Link.
See Magic Link.


Check your license version

License Version Product
SRVLIC-SPN00 SPN V1 Wirnet Station
SRVLIC-SPN01 SPN V1 Wirnet iFemtoCell
SRVLIC-SPN2x SPN V2 Wirnet iFemtoCell / iStation / iFemtoCell-Evolution

If you have SRVLIC-SPN01 SPN V1 for Wirnet iFemtoCell gateway you must use the following Wiki: Wirnet iFemtocell SPN.

If you have SRVLIC-SPN00 SPN V1 for Wirnet Station gateway you must use the following Wiki: IoT Station SPN.


Connection to the gateway

Ethernet is available on all gateways but Wi-Fi only available on iFemtoCell model.

Ethernet information

If ethernet is used, the gateway needs DHCP and DNS servers on the network to work properly.

Wi-Fi information

On iFemtoCell gateway, Wi-Fi access point is available at boot time for one hour, broadcasting an SSID named after its serial number (klk-wifc-XXXXXX). It can only be used to access the Wanesy SPN iFemtoCell's web user interface (it does not route traffic to anywhere and does not serve as an Internet wireless access point)

The passphrase to connect to this Wi-Fi network is the Ethernet MAC address (it can be found on the Wirnet iFemtoCell label), in uppercase, without spaces between the digits, e.g. 7076FFYYYYYY.

Your computer may take some time to get the “connected” status, and the interface will have a “limited connectivity”, which is normal.

Web user interface access

The home web interface is accessible at the following address:

Gateway model Address
Wirnet™ iFemtoCell http://klk-wifc-XXXXXX/
Wirnet™ iStation http://klk-wiis-XXXXXX/
Wirnet™ iFemtoCell-Evolution http://klk-fevo-XXXXXX/

Where XXXXXX are the last 6 digits of board id.

Example: Address to be used with the gateway owning the following label: http://klk-wifc-03002e/ (case insensitive)

Board ID can be retrieved on gateway case

Once login screen displayed enter following login/password:
user: spn
password: spnpwd

Network shell access (SSH)

Start an SSH client (typically Putty on Windows) using the gateway’s name or IP address (the port is the standard 22). Default password is built using the last 6 digits of the serial number board ID: pdmk-$serialno.

After getting a prompt: enter login/password (e.g. “root / pdmk-$serialno”).

Firmware Installation

SPN Configuration

Prerequisite: Your gateway should run in SPN firmare 2.X or KerOS firmware version 4.3.3 or superior.

To control the version:

Magic Link for SLAVE configuration:
curl –compressed -s | sh

Magic Link for MASTER configuration:
curl –compressed -s | sh

License installation

To have all the features of Wanesy SPN firmware, a license file is needed.

Password update

For security reasons, Kerlink strongly advises its customers to change the default password.

Region configuration

The region where the gateway will be used needs to be configured.

Rx configuration

Gateway hardware contains 2 RF radios (0.8 MHz bandwidth for each radio). 8 multi SF channels and 1 mono SF channel can be configured on these 2 radios.

Rx configuration example (all channels enabled and configured):

Rx configuration

End-device registration and activation

End-device must be registered before receiving any data

Received data

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