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Wanesy Wave firmware v2.0.1 (October 2021)

Changes from previous version

New features

  • BLE Asset Monitoring


  • LoRaWan region setting resilient to factory reset


  • BLE scan parameters update dead-end
  • Unblock LoRaWan when in busy stack state
  • ESP32 deadlocks detection


  • If the installed firmware is 1.8.0 or lower, firmware upgrade procedure must respect specific order described in section below.




This release is compatible with the following Wanesy Wave revision:

  • Wanest Wave 868:
    • Fully compatible with Wanesy Wave Board ID xxxDAcxxxxxx, xxxDAdxxxxxx, xxxDAexxxxxx.
  • Wanesy Wave 915:
    • Fully compatible with Wanesy Wave Board ID xxxDBcxxxxxx, xxxDBdxxxxxx, xxxDBexxxxxx, xxxDBfxxxxxx .


  • STM32 MCU firmware Ver. 2.0.1
  • ESP32 MCU firmware Ver. 2.0.1


The firmware is released in two files: STM32 MCU firmware binary 'kbin' file and ESP32 MCU firmware binary file.

To update the firmware, follow instruction on the Firmware update section of the Setup page: click here.

To update the firmware, follow instruction on the Firmware update section of the Setup page: click here.


Wi-Fi: firmware update

Installed firmware is v1.9.0

Regular firmware update can be followed (update ESP32 first), please read e-con-wanesy_wave_fw_update_wifi_v1.2.pdf available in the Wanesy™ Wave Setup: Documentation section.

Installed firmware is v1.8.0 or lower version

If the installed firmware is v1.8.0 or lower version, firmware update procedure must respect the specific order described below (update STM32 first):

steps STM32 version ESP32 version SSID Actions
#1 v1.7.0/v1.8.0 v1.7.0/v1.8.0 optout_klk/wave_xxxx Place product away from wall or table (ie. perpendicular is OK, parallel is KO)
Upload STM32 v2.0.1 image
Wait until green LED is back ON (ie. no longer blinking)
#2 v2.0.1 v1.7.0/v1.8.0 optout_klk/wave_xxxx Verify STM32 version in device_info.txt file
Upload ESP32 v2.0.1 image
#3 v2.0.1 v2.0.1 wave_xxxx Verify ESP32 version in esp32_version.txt file (displayed version is 2.0.0)

Wi-Fi: region configuration


  • 2.0.1 (October 2021):
    • BLE Asset Monitoring
    • LoRaWan region setting resilient to factory reset
  • 1.9.0 (May 2021):
    • Improve BLE scan robustness
    • Maximize WiFi STM32 FW update success
    • Earlier initialization of critical GPIOs
  • 1.8.0 (February 2021):
    • Support of multiple regional parameters.
    • Use unconfirmed TX on LoRaWAN services.
    • Wi-Fi update over HTTP.
    • Access Point SSID personal identification based on EUI.
    • Limit duration of Wi-Fi access point availability.
  • 1.7.0 (June 2020):
    • Initial release for Wanesy Wave.
wiki/firmware/release_2.0.1.1634139810.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/10/13 17:43 by ehe