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Alarms can be found on the upper side of the Web page (header):

There are 3 types of alarms:

  • Gateways alarms,
  • End-devices alarms,
  • Network alarms.

Here are the type of errors you may encounter in your system:

Gateway Alarms

Type Description Potential Root cause
CONNECTION Gateway not connected to WMC Gateway shut down, backhaul not available,
CPU CPU percent utilization passed above the defined threshold
CPU percent utilization passed below the defined threshold
Large number of operations on the gateway (many messages , spectrum, …)
DOOR OPEN Door opened
Door closed
Door not closed
GPS GPS unlocked
GPS locked
Physical issue on gateway (GPS wrong/not connected)
Obstruction of GPS antenna
bad reception (not enough satellites)
Cold start, GPS not yet locked
POWER LOST Power Lost Primary alimentation stopped, gateway will shut down
Causes : either global power shutdown or bad electrical characteristics (voltage outage, …)
RAM RAM percent utilization passed above the defined threshold
RAM percent utilization passed below the defined threshold
Large number of operations on the gateway (many messages , spectrum, …)
RSSI RSSI level passed below the defined threshold
RSSI level passed above the defined threshold
The reception level of the gateway (in term of cellular backhaul) is under/above a threshold
Low RSSI indicates potential backhaul problems : cellular network connection lost, antenna issue, environment conditions changed…
SHUTDOWN Shutdown of the gateway Gateway has stopped, either power issue / or reboot
SYSTEM DISK System disk percent utilization passed above the defined threshold
System disk percent utilization passed below the defined threshold
Utilization of the disk
Can increase due to logs and tmp files on the gateway
TEMPERATURE Temperature passed above the defined threshold
Temperature passed below the defined threshold
Temperature from the CPU
Ambient temperature of the gateway under/above a threshold
Temperature may alter performances if not in electronic recommendations
USER DISK User disk percent utilization passed above the defined threshold
User disk percent utilization passed below the defined threshold
Utilization of the disk
Can increase due to logs and tmp files on the gateway

End-device Alarms

Type Description Potential Root cause
DATADOWN FCNTDOWN CHANGED No route for multicast No gateway found for the downlink message
DATADOWN FCNTDOWN ERR Deprecated alarm Deprecated alarm
DATADOWN GW NACK ACK from gateway not OK DataDown not sent by the gateway because received too late or collision
DATADOWN MAXATTEMPTS The maximum number of sending attempts for a DataDown message has been reached DataDown not sent by the gateway because received too late or collision
DATADOWN TIMEOUT The maximum time to wait to send a datadown has been reached No ACK received from gateway
DATAUP MIC ERR Integrity message error DataUp received with incorrect MIC
Device’s message integrity is not ensured, DataUp not decoded
This may be caused by:
- Corruption of message
- Device trying to mock another one (attack), either by reusing a FCNtUp eihter with an invalid devNonce
DOWNLINK UNABLE TO SEND DataDown not sent Unable to send (collision, no gateway, max queue size reached, Gateway Nack, …)
JOIN APPEUI ERR JOIN REQUEST with invalid AppEui was received and refused AppEui doesn't match with the provisioned one
JOIN DEVADDR ERR ABP configuration issue with the set DevAddr DevAddr may be already in use
JOIN DEVNONCE ERR JOIN REQUEST with already used DevNonce was received and refused DevNonce has already been used by the end-device
JOIN MIC ERR JOIN REQUEST with invalid MIC was received and refused Probably due to corruption or invalid AppKey
PUSH AUTH FAILED Authentication of push config failed Wrong user / password
PUSH NOT FOUND Impossible to find push server Wrong push address / port
PUSH SERVER ERR Error from push server Issue from push server side
PUSH TIMEOUT Push server did not response to push in time Issue from push server side

Network Alarms

Type Description Potential Root cause
FRQ DUTY CYCLE Alarm on duty cycle overage by gateway channel, depending on the region Duty cycle is over the limits
wiki/wiki3/alarms.1607955516.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/12/14 15:18 by tda