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FAQ - Multicast

What is Unicast and Multicast ?

Unicast messages are sent to a single end-device and multicast messages are sent to multiple end-devices. All devices of a multicast group must share the same multicast address and associated encryption keys. All end-devices must listen to the multicast channel in order to get multicast messages (end-devices must be C-class). The best use-cases for Multicast is Lighting domain and Firmware update.

How can I know that multicast messages are correctly received by my end-devices ?

There is no ACK for Multicast messages. So we don't know if the multicast message has been received by all end-devices.

What is the mantadory information to create a Multicast group ?

The mandatory information is :

  • a Cluster name
  • a Multicast address: DevAddr, a 32 bit network address (must be unique and not belong to an existing end-device)
  • the Application session key (AppSKey) and Network session key (NWkSKey) used for frames encryption, 32 digits hexadecimal string.
  • radio settings: a fixed frequency in MHz (float32)and a DataRate (a string formatted as “SFxxBWyyy” with xx from 7 to 12 and yyy = 125/250/500 for LoRa modulation or yyy=5000 for FSK modulation)
  • a frame counter: FCntDown
  • the LoRaWAN MAC version: for Europe 868 MHz, select 1.0.2 MAC version and Regional parameters B revision to be compatible with WMC 2.x

The multicast address and associated network session key and application session key must come from the application layer.
Class-C Multicast downlinks SHALL NOT carry MAC commands.

Can several Muticast groups have the same multicast adress ?

Yes. The same multicast adrress can be used by several Multicast groups.

Can a end-device belong to several Multicast groups ?

Yes. A end-device can belong to several multicast groups.

Which gateways are chosen for a C-Multicast DataDown ?

LNS selects gateways according to the following :

  • Retrieve all end-devices owned by the group.
  • Retrieve gateways used by these end-devices to send DataUp messages.
  • Check duty cycle.
  • Check DLAllowed.
  • Compute coverage of each gateway.
  • If one gateway covers all end-devices, select it.
  • If several gateways cover all-devices, select the one with with the lower duty cycle.
  • If no gateways cover all end-devices:
    • Remove end-devices not covered by any gateways.
    • Select gateways covering end-devices covered by only one gateway.
    • For remaining end-devices (covered by several gateways), select the gateway with the best coverage.

In all cases, a gateway cannot be selected if its duty cycle is over the maximum limit or if downlink is not allowed by its owner.

If a end-device has never transmitted data, it won't be taken into account for the choice of gateways used for multicast DataDown.

Which gateways are choosen for a Unicast DataDown ?

LNS selects gateways according to their SNR (Signal/Noise ratio). The gateway with the higher SNR (lowest noise) is choosen in priority.

Is it possible that a end-device receive a C-Multicast DataDown from 2 different gateways at the same time ?

For the moment, this case is not managed.

wiki/wiki3/faq_multicast_3.x.1553706489.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/03/27 18:08 by tda