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v3.1 Gateway Software Releases

CAUTION: Theses packages are only dedicated to connect gateways to WMC v3.1.
They are not intented to be used with WMC v2.3

Wirnet Station must be updated to firmware 3.1 before using these megapackages.
Installing these megapackages on Wirnet Station firmware 2.x will brick the gateway.


Product Megapackage md5sum
Wirnet iBTS custom-liveburner_4.0.2_klk-lpbs_WMC_3.1.3.ipk 91d332e232d663d5e01f19a859d4d18d
Wirnet iFemtoCell custom-liveburner_4.0.4_klk-wifc_WMC_3.1.3.ipk c7a993bbce88905baf2f2ca35dc17702
Wirnet Station fwupgrade_wirmaV2_wirnet_v3.6_WMC_v3.1.3.tar.gz 9a6f5203bcfae284edd9907e47117f17

Compatibility matrix

Wirnet iBTS 4.0.2 1.06 3.1.2 3.1.2 3.0
Wirnet iFemtoCell 4.0.4 1.0.7 3.1.2 3.1.2 3.0
Wirnet Station 3.6 1.0.7 3.1.2 3.1.2 3.0

FW: Firmware
CPF: Common Packet Forwarder
BSCC: Base Station Component Client
SNMP: Simple Network Management Protocol
VPN: OpenVPN packages

Specific procedure to follow for USB usage:

This procedure used for automatic deployment can be used to upgrade or install software on a SINGLE or a GROUP of gateways.

You need to use 2 USB sticks.

The .tar.gz files provided below are “ready-to-use”. You only need to copy your OpenVPN packages on the second USB stick (in vpn_packages for KerOS products and in *root directory* for Wirnet Stations):

- USB stick number 1: AUTO_DEPLOY_3.1.2_USB_STICK_1.tar.gz
- USB stick number 2: AUTO_DEPLOY_3.1.2_USB_STICK_2.tar.gz

1. Deflate twice the tar.gz file on each USB stick in the root directory
2. Copy files located in the folder AUTO_DEPLOY_3.1.2_USB_STICK_x in the root directory
3. Add your OpenVPN packages in AUTO_DEPLOY_3.1.2_USB_STICK_2 before plugging sticks into the system.


Corrections are listes below:

3.1 [WISTA] Fixing bug about the display of the firmware version
3.1 keros : Fixing "lns" resolution 
3.1 using in embedded software configuration
3.1 On station, if vpn ip address is changed, on RAN, ip adress is not updated
3.1 [Spectrum] - Spectrum analysis unavailable on WiFC
3.1 [RNC] - Wifc modem stats are not available
3.1 Reinstalling openvpn ask for overwrite stored file
3.1 VPN connection doesn't came back after a restore
3.1 Impossible to connect to LNS after a restore backup
3.1.1 [Default Broadcast] in WAN configuration of WMC dashboard
3.1 BSCC and SNMP can t be installed on keros 4.0.X
3.1 When performing a backup restore from FW 3.4.5+mgpkV3.0.2 after an upgrade from FW 3.1.14+mgpkV2.3.4, we lost the WMC connection
3.1 When performing a backup restore (kerosd -b), the network config /etc/hosts is altered, spf is KO
3.1.1 bscc can t handle magic links
3.1 [BSCC] GW Type identification
3.1 [keros 4.0][snmpd] net-snmp binaries hotfix (fbo)
3.1 [Packet Forwarder] GWMP packet with several frames is not treated by LNS
3.1 Activating message buffering in embedded software
3.1 Make the leap seconds feature enable by default
3.1.1 Split MIB to public and private parts
3.1.1 When ugrading the iBTS with the megapackage v3.0.10 sometimes we are losing the WMC connexion in GSM mode (ofono issue)
3.1.1 Cellular RSSI is not shown when using GSM backhaul


- VPN IP address modification is not displayed on dashboard
- Dashboard times out on large file uploads with slow connections
- The backhaul configuration can’t be done using the dashboard for configuration without DHCP (missing DNS) and cellular (missing MCC and MNC)
- Backhaul priority is not working (but fallback/failover feature works)
- Workflow feature does not work if your WMC has a “small” configuration (16Go)

wiki/wiki3/gateway_sw_3.1.1561124787.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/06/21 15:46 by tda