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This is an old revision of the document!

v3.2 Gateway Software Releases

This version is designed to upgrade a system with a KerOS 4.x installed (3.1 embedded software).

To update a system which KerOS version is lower than 4.x, the liveburner 4.0 available here need to be applied first before applying the current update.

To update a system from KerOS 4.x, either install packages from USB stick or copy the megapackage in the folder /user/.updates on the gateway and deflate it or use the magic link.

This release version is designed for:

  • Wirnet iBTS,
  • Wirnet iFemtoCell,
  • Wirnet iStation.
CAUTION with gateways that are statically IP assigned
You may lose the WMC connection! Follow the procedure described here

For the Wirnet Station, the 3.1 SW release must be used to connect a Wirnet Station to the WMC server v3.2.

For lucky owners of Wirnet iFemtoCell-evolution, please refer to this specific software.


Theses packages are only dedicated to connect gateways to WMC v3.2.
They are not intended to be used with WMC 2.3, 3.0 or 3.1.


Product Megapackage md5sum
Wirnet iBTS
Wirnet iFemtoCell
Wirnet iStation


Wirnet Station fwupgrade_wirmav2_wirnet_v3.6_wmc_v3.1.6.tar.gz b74737609413bb65b5f68716568da150

For all products except the Wirnet Station:

Component Version
keros 4.1.6
bscc 3.2.4
lorasnmp 3.2.4
lorad 1.1.5-2
lorafwd 1.1.1-2

For the Wirnet Station:

Component Version
keros 3.6
bscc 3.1.6
lorasnmp 3.1.4
lorad 1.0.5-2
lorafwd 1.0.7-2

There are 3 ways to update your gateway's software:

Software update over ethernet

This procedure can be used to UPGRADE from a KerOS 4.x system on a single gateway.

To update your gateway, apply the following procedure:

  1. Request your VPN package(s) to the Kerlink Support team: (optional: in case of a First Install or Migration). Please mention gateways serial number in your message.
  2. Transfer package(s) in this directory:
    # From a computer:
    scp WMC_embedded_keros_v3.3.5.tar.gz openvpn-*.ipk root@<ip_address>:/user/.updates/
  3. Deflate archive and ensure file is correctly written:
    # On the gateway:
    cd /user/.updates
    tar -xzf *.tar.gz
    rm -f WMC*.tar.gz
  4. Trigger Update for next reboot:
    kerosd -u 
  5. Restart:

Refer to software update procedure for further details.

Software update over USB

For all products except the Wirnet Station

This procedure used for automatic deployment can be used to UPGRADE from a KerOS 4.x system (embedded software 3.1.x) on a single or a group of gateways.
If you want to install this sotfware from a KerOS 3.x, you need to install a KerOS 4.x before upgrading your system.

You need to use 1 or 2 USB sticks depending on your FW version .

If your KerOS version is lower than 4.0 then you will need to create 2 USB sticks.

FW 3.1 FW 3.4 FW 4.0
Nb of USB sticks 2 2 1

When using 2 USB sticks:

  • The first USB stick will upgrade the firmware to KerOS 4.1.
  • The second USB stick will install all others packages with the required software release: BSCC, SNMP, Common Packet Forwarder (CPF) and OpenVPN packages.

When using a single USB Stick:

  • Put the file .tar.gz on your USB stick and decompress all the stuff in the root directory.

To update your system from a KerOS 4.x system, use the following software:

description file md5sum
USB stick AUTO_DEPLOY_3.3.5_KEROS_USB_STICK.tar.gz b1a144d2cf9ec866b4c6fd97f44a2c7c

The same USB stick can be used twice.

The .tar.gz file provided below is “ready-to-use”. You only need to copy your OpenVPN packages on the USB stick: your OpenVPN secrets files in vpn_packages directory and your OpenVPN config file in the COMMON directory to be able to connect properly to your WMC server.

To update your gateway, apply the following procedure :

1. Deflate twice the tar.gz file to get .ipk files and put them on your USB stick in the root directory
2. Copy all files located in the folder AUTO_DEPLOY_3.2.5_KEROS_USB_STICK in the root directory
3. Request your VPN package(s) to the Kerlink Support team: (optional: in case of a First Install or Migration). Please mention gateways serial number in your message.
4. Put your VPN config packages in the COMMON directory to connect to YOUR WMC server (optional: in case of a First Install or Migration)
5. Put your VPN secrets packages of your KerOS products in the vpn_packages directory (optional: in case of a First Install)
6. Plug the USB stick in the gateway USB slot (device must be powered on)
7. Wait the end of the update
8. Plug the second USB stick in the gateway USB slot (if needed)
9. Wait the end of the update (if needed)

Refer to the specific wiki to get more details about software update over USB:
Wirnet Product Line (iBTS, iFemtocell, iStation):

For the Wirnet Station

The update procedure uses 2 USB sticks:

  • The first USB stick will upgrade the firmware to KerOS 3.6.
  • The second USB stick will install all others packages with the required software release: BSCC, SNMP, Common Packet Forwarder (CPF) and OpenVPN packages.
description file md5sum
USB stick number 1 AUTO_DEPLOY_3.1.6_USB_STICK_1.tar.gz 6c31bebc9f2942bb852adecd74a57284
USB stick number 2 AUTO_DEPLOY_3.1.6_USB_STICK_2.tar.gz 0835b621155886559b19dc46604e4cc7
1. Deflate twice the tar.gz file on each USB stick in the root directory
2. Copy files located in the folder AUTO_DEPLOY_3.1.6_USB_STICK_x in the root directory
3. Add your OpenVPN packages in AUTO_DEPLOY_3.1.6_USB_STICK_2 before plugging the stick into the system.
4. Plug the first USB stick in the gateway USB slot
5. Wait the end of the update
6. Plug the second USB stick in the gateway USB slot
7. Wait the end of the update

Refer to the specific wikis to get more details (ex led management) about software update via USB sticks:

Wirnet Station:

USB stick content

The USB tree should contains the following files/folders:

├── COMMON                                                # KerOS products packages folder (iBTS, iFemtoCell, iStation)
│   ├── keros_***_klkgw.ipk                               # Keros firmware package for Wirnet iBTS
│   ├── bscc_***_klkgw.ipk                                # WMC BSCC package for Wirnet iBTS
│   ├── lorasnmp_***_klkgw.ipk                            # WMC SNMP package for Wirnet iBTS
│   ├── lorad_***_klkgw.ipk                               # HAL package for Wirnet iBTSpk
│   ├── lorafwd_***_klkgw.ipk                             # Packet Forwarder package for Wirnet iBTS
│   └── openvpn_config_wmcbeta.wanesy.com_3.1.ipk         # sample file: the WMC server to connect to
├── README.txt                                            # This file
├── usb.autorun                                           # executed by KerOs products when plugging the USB stick
├── usbkey.txt                                            # USB key protection: must contain the device passwords (all of them)
└── vpn_packages                                          # WMC OpenVPN packages folder
    ├── openvpn_secrets_***_wmcbeta.wanesy.com_***.ipk            # OpenVPN package for one KerOS product to connect to a WMC platform (here wmcbeta)
    ├── openvpn_secrets_***_wmcbeta.wanesy.com_***.ipk            # another package for one KerOS product to connect to a WMC platform (here wmcbeta)
    ├── openvpn_secrets***_wmcbeta.wanesy.com_***.ipk             # ...
    ├── openvpn_secrets_***_wmcbeta.wanesy.com_***.ipk            # ...
    ├── openvpn_secrets_***_wmcbeta.wanesy.com_***.ipk            # ...
    ├── openvpn_secrets_***_wmcbeta.wanesy.com_***.ipk            # ...
    └── openvpn_secrets_***_wmcbeta.wanesy.com_***.ipk            # ...


Main changes regards to the 3.1 embedded software release are listed below:

- iStation gateway support
- New power management for iStation
- Backhaul configuration improvement


- Spectral scan with LBT mode enabled does not work properly


Kerlink is not responsible for damage arising from failure to follow these instructions relating to the Kerlink Product’s use.
wiki/wiki3/gateway_sw_3.2.1600788657.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/09/22 17:30 by ghi