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Install or upgrade a gateway on WMC

The connection to the Wanesy Management Center requires several software packages to be installed:

  • Packet Forwarder and companion HAL: required to process LoRa packets.
  • BSCC and SNMP: required to handle software upgrades, gateway monitoring, etc.
  • OpenVPN package: required to establish the VPN between the gateway and the WMC
  • An up-to-date firmware

To ease the process, a megapackage can be used to install/upgrade everything except for the OpenVPN package, which is always delivered separately.

This megapackage preserves any change to your current network configuration (VPN and GSM/ETH configuration).

This megapackage can be used as well remotely (from WMC dashboard for instance) and locally (USB, debug link, SSH).



  1. It is recommended to have a DHCP server on your local network. The use of static IP can lead to a connection issue to the WMC.
  2. It is mandatory to update the OpenVPN package to v1.11 before using the megapackage

If you never installed any OpenVPN package on your gateway, or if you need a newer VPN package version, you should ask for a VPN package to and install it on your system.

Custom IP configuration

By default, when installing the WMC embedded software, the IP configuration is DHCP.

If the gateway needs to have a specific configuration (static IP, mobile APN, etc), the only two supported methods are:

  • using the dashboard: applicable only for already connected gateways;
  • /user/bscc/var.xml: applicable for first installations or already connected gateways.

Any other configuration (e.g. through ConnMan configuration files directly) will be wiped after the next reboot.

Wirnet iBTS and Wirnet iFemtoCell

Use the following command to check the currently installed packages (example shows iBTS):

root@klk-lpbs-123456:~ # opkg list-installed
bscc - v2.2.1                                   # <------ BSCC package version
kerlink-openvpn-config-pki2-klk-lpbs-123456 - 1.11-180326
keros - 3.1.16-0-gfd3610aa
libloragw2 - 5.1.0-klk1
lorasnmp - v2.2.1                               # <------ SNMP package version
spf2 - 4.0.0-klk7_4.0.1-klk3

Wirnet Station


To check this, you must have a FILESYSTEM_VER ending with either 1.5 (firmware 3.1) or 1.10 (firmware 3.3). This can be found in the result of get_version -u -v (see below).

If you have a 2.x firmware, please use the script to migrate to v3.1 firmware version

Please run the following command on your Wirnet Station:

[root@Wirnet_0XXXXXXX ~]# get_version -u -v
UBOOT_VER="U-Boot 2009.03-2009.03-klk1 (Jan 26 2018 - 12:04:27)"
FILESYSTEM_VER=2016.05v1.10                                # <---- firmware version
KNETD_VER="wirma2_v4.09 WAN_3.16 (Dec 23 2016-14:33:40)"
************************ Update log ************************
2018.03.15-08:30:07 -- Dota dota_ran_gateway_v2.2.2_5a61ea01-2967-4d0e-a12b-9acd72e2fa40.tar
2018.03.15-08:31:04 -- Dota custo_openvpn.tar
2018.03.15-08:31:08 -- Dota dota_packages_v2.2.tar
2018.03.15-08:31:58 -- Dota custo_libloragw-fpga_4.1.3-klk7_wirnet.tar
2018.03.15-08:32:05 -- Dota dota_spf_3.1.0-klk15_4.1.3-klk7_wirnet.tar
2018.03.15-08:32:07 -- Dota dota_v1.0_rfscan_manager.tar
2018.03.15-08:32:12 -- Dota dota_v2.2.1_bscc.tar           # <---- BSCC package version
2018.03.15-08:32:19 -- Dota dota_v2.2.1_snmp.tar           # <---- SNMP package version

Software packages

Several methods are available to install the software. Please see the software installation and upgrade compatibility matrix below:

Method Install from scratch Upgrade
WMC drag'n'drop feature no yes
WMC workflow no yes (except for VPN package)
Over SSH yes yes
USB stick yes yes

The WMC upgrade is only available for a gateway that is already connected to the WMC dashboard. The VPN package should NEVER be sent to several gateways at once, so please don't use it in workflows.

WMC software can be delivered as one single megapackage, or as individual packages. Please refer to the table below to pick the preferred method:

Megapackage Individual packages
Upgrade method Wirnet Station KerOS (iBTS and iFemtoCell) Wirnet Station KerOS (iBTS and iFemtoCell)
WMC drag'n'drop from firmware 3.x only yes yes, except firmware (3) yes
WMC workflow from firmware 3.x only yes yes, except firmware (3) and VPN yes
USB (1) from firmware 3.x only yes yes yes
SSH (2) from firmware 3.x only yes yes, except firmware (3) yes


  1. For USB install/upgrade:
    1. a USB autorun script is required.
    2. follow the same procedure as for SSH
  2. For SSH install/upgrade:
    1. On Wirnet Station, install the .tar.gz DOTA.
    2. On KerOS (iBTS and iFemtoCell), uncompress the .tar.gz TWICE (if applicable) and install the .ipk packages.
  3. For individual packages (e.g. not the megapackage) on Wirnet Station, the firmware remote upgrade is not possible. Only BSCC, SNMP, Packet Forwarder and HAL can be installed over SSH/WMC. For firmware upgrades, please use USB.

WMC drag'n'drop feature

This can be used to download one software package (individual or megapackage) to the gateway.

  1. Go to BSC, Stations
  2. Select your station
  3. Choose Software > Upgrade from the top menu

WMC workflows

The workflows can be used to install software on many gateways at once.

Never install an OpenVPN package using workflows.

Indeed, each OpenVPN package is unique and should never be deployed on several gateways.

To upgrade several gateways:

  1. Add all the desired gateways to your cart.
  2. Go to your cart.
  3. Choose the Execute workflow action from the top menu.
  4. Pick the FW upgrade workflow.
  5. Choose the software package and execute the workflow.

USB/SSH or install from scratch

For USB and SSH install and upgrade instructions, please find below an outlook of the procedures below.

For detailed instructions, please refer to product specific documentation:

Wirnet Station

  • For SSH: place the megapackage in /mnt/fuser-1/dota and reboot the device. Repeat for the OpenVPN .tar.gz package.
  • For USB: place the megapackage on your USB stick, and add the file. Plug the USB stick and wait for a few minutes.

Keros systems (Wirnet iBTS and Wirnet iFemtoCell)

If the software is in a megapackage, please uncompress it first:

# Run on your computer
tar xzf *ran_gateway*.tar.gz


  • For SSH: place the .ipk files in /user/.updates. If your system is pristine, you might need to create the folder: run mkdir -p /user/.updates to ensure it exists.
  • For USB: place the .ipk files on the USB stick. Place the usb.autorun and usbkey.txt files and plug the USB stick. Once the LED starts blinking, remove the USB stick and wait for a few minutes.

Example for SSH:

# Run on the gateway
mkdir -p /user/.updates
# Run on your computer
scp *.ipk root@ip_address_of_gateway /user/.updates/    # upload ipk files to gateway
# Run on the gateway
kerosd -u


For a first time install, the gateway must be declared on the dashboard. Please refer to the administration documentation.

wiki/wiki3/install_upgrade.1560345356.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/06/12 15:15 by tda