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Magic Link

To ease the upgrade, migration or first installation of gateways, a Magic Link feature can be used.

It is a simple command based on wget that automatically downloads the required embedded software, configures the VPN connection, configures the packet forwarder with the best default configuration, all in one step.


Request has to be made to customer support through or by opening an OTRS Ticket.

A single Magic Link can be reused for as many gateways as necessary (please include them all when requesting the Magic Link from Kerlink support). It is linked to a single WMC instance.

There is a unique and secret token inside the Magic Link command or USB package. This is a secret that shouldn't be shared and transmitted in a non-secure way.


A Magic Link looks like this:

/etc/init.d/firewall stop; killall openvpn; sleep 1; wget -O- | sh

It can either be given as is, for copy/paste, or as a ZIP package, for USB installation.

The hash (the 32-digit token in the URL above: 00112233445566778899aabbccddeeff) is secret. Be sure to safely transmit it, and avoid sharing it!


This feature requires an Internet connection throughout all the procedure.

The used connection is HTTPS to (TCP port 443).


An SSH access to the gateway is required, this means that it shouldn't be already connected to WMC (unless for on-premises servers, in which case SSH is possible from the WMC server itself).

Just copy/paste the provided command and wait for about 5 minutes (20 minutes if Wirnet iBTS with FPGA upgrade).


Unzip the provided package on an USB stick and plug it into the Wirnet gateway.

For Wirnet iBTS and Wirnet iFemtoCell, please remove the USB stick after 15 seconds (as soon as the LED blinks). For Wirnet Station, please leave the USB stick plugged in for 20 minutes, or until the gateway is shown as connected on the WMC instance.


For WMC, it is less useful to use the Magic Link as the Software Upgrade feature can be used to send any package: new VPN package (migration), megapackage (upgrade), etc.

The advantage though, is that it's no longer required to download the megapackage from this wiki and upload it in the Software update section of the WMC. The gateway will directly download the megapackage and VPN package through the use of the Magic Link.

Though if the Magic Link should really be used, it can be done by creating a script file like this one:

/etc/init.d/firewall stop
killall openvpn
sleep 1
wget -O- | sh

Be sure to replace the token with the one received from Kerlink. Run dos2unix on that script if Windows is used, or ensure that line endings are LF only (and not the default CRLF for Windows).

Use the File Explorer feature of the WMC to send the file to /tmp. Then use the Remote Shell feature and type: sh /tmp/

Use cases

First installation:

  • over SSH: not applicable for cellular backhaul unless the gateway has a known public IP address. A DHCP server would be necessary on the LAN if Ethernet/WiFi, though static IP should work if directly connected to a computer (static IP and RJ45 cable or WiFi access from the computer to the gateway).
  • over USB: works all the time, but requires physical access.

Migration (e.g. from instance A to instance B):

  • over SSH: only applicable for on-premises instances (where SSH is available through the VPN tunnel from the WMC server itself).
  • using WMC: upload a script and execute it.
  • over USB: works all the time, but requires physical access.

Upgrade (e.g. same instance, but different embedded software version):

  • over SSH: only applicable for on-premises instances.
  • using WMC: upload a script and execute it.
  • over USB: works all the time, but requires physical access.
wiki/wiki3/magic_link.1561127010.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/06/21 16:23 by tda