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WMC 3.2:

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Server software resources

WMC 3.2:

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WMC 3.x:

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WMC 3.1:

>= WMC 3.2:

>= WMC 3.1:


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What's new ?

WMC 3.2

Server Software 3.2.x

Main changes:
- Improving Join procedure : 
  * Adding possibility to configure DevNonce feature (only applicable for OTAA devices) from dashboard and GMS API: activation/de-activation.
  * Taking into account the technical recommendations for preventing state synchronization issues around LoRaWAN™ 1.0.x join procedure.
- Improving MIC error management: 
  * Differenciating counter issues and MIC error. Providing more information about MIC errors: "Reused FCntUp", "Exceed FCntUpMAxGap", "Invalid MIC".
- Improving Software Update :
  * Adding the possibility to upload and delete software update to the server repository. Selecting a software available in the server repository and using it through workflow and GMS API.
- Improving Backhaul configuration:
  * Adding the possibility to configure Ethernet static IP (DHCP deactivated), with optionally first and second DNS.
  * Adding the possibility to configure cellular backhaul: APN (1 for Wirnet Station and up to 10 for Wirnet iBTS, iFemtoCell, and iStation), login, password, MCC, MNC.
- KPI Management:
  * Adding the option to stop end-devices KPIs computing.
- Improve end-devices and gateways export and import:
  * Export a list of end-devices or gateways to CSV format, with fields (all or only authorized ones) sorted by category.
  * Import a previous export of end-devices or gateways.
- Adding a cluster overview:
  * Panel with all the cluster information: name, customer, payload type, push enabled, push configuration, geolocation, geolocation expiration date.
  * Histogram bar with the actual status of all the cluster's end-devices.
- Better support of AS923 region countries:
  * Specific regional parameters defined for Japan, Indonesia, and Vietnam.
- Provide payload encoding:
  * Add new field “encodingType” (Base 64 or Hexadecimal)in DataUpDto and PushDataUpDto.
  * On the dashboard, display encoding type used for payload (dataUp, dataDown, mcDataDown, messages).
- Radio channels configuration : 
  * sharing gateway channel configuration between BSC and LNS: The end-device's CFlist is created from the gateway radio channel configuration.
  * Improve mac commands: send / receive mac commands.
  * Multiple gateways with possible different channel configurations.
- Support of additional Wirnet stations: 
  * Support of Wirnet iStation (with Embedded 3.2.x Software release).
  * Support of Wirnet iFemtoCell-evolution (with Embedded 3.3.x Software release).
- Management of 16-channels configuration:
  * By default, only 8 channels are configured after CFList within the Join Accept.
  * For regions with dynamic channels plans, the end-devices are now informed of the additional 8 channels by NewChannelReq dedicated MAC command(s)
- Timestamping for buffering feature :
  * In case of network latency or backhaul disconnection, the message is delayed so the reception timestamps from gateway and WMC can be different.
  * Separation between message receive timestamps from gateway and WMC.
  * Parameter gwRecvTimeadded to figure out the gateway reception timestamp.
  * Both timestamp values (gwRecvTime and recvTime) are displayed on dashboard and pushed to the end user in DataUpDto
- When immediate sending, RX window choice is no more based on the networkMaxDelays, current ping value is now used.
- Add possibility to filter on power-loss alarm.
- Improvement of downlink messages process:
  * For classA & classC, downlinks are now sent to the gateways immediately after being provisioned by LNS in order to increase the chance to target the RX1 window.
- Improvement of RX1DROfsset management:
  * RX1DROffset=0 (no offset applied on DR) is now used for JOIN Accept.
  * RX1DROffset=n (if set) is only applied on subsequent downlinks.

Main restrictions:
Some residual cases of downlinks stucked in Class C.

Gateway Software v4.3.3

This new software release v4.3.3 implements new features such as:

Main changes:
- Integration of CPF in KerOS 4.3.3 firmware
- Integration of WMC Embedded applications 4.3.3 firmware
- Add NetID Filtering in CPF
- Increase CPF log size
- Uplink: fix fallback from Ethernet to GSM if no DNS server
- CPF: fix reconnection to LNS server after an uplink reconnection

Gateway Software v3.3

This new software release v3.3 implements new features such as:

Main changes:

- iFemtocell-evolution gateway support
- Backhaul configuration improvement
- Spectral scan improvement on iStation and iFemtocell-evolution
- Power management improvement
- Allow Internet access while connected to WMC

Main Restrictions:

- Spectral scan with LBT mode enabled does not work properly

Gateway Software v3.2

This new software release v3.2 implements new features such as:

Main changes:

- iStation gateway support
- New power management for iStation
- Backhaul configuration improvement

Main Restrictions:
- Spectral scan with LBT mode enabled does not work properly
More information about iStation features here

WMC 3.1

Server Software v3.1

This new software release v3.1 implements new features such as:

Main changes:

- Geolocation features intégration for compatibility with WG Standalone (GUI and API)
- New GUI tab for Geolocation for End-devices (when WG is activated and connected to the MWC)
- Map and measurements table for end-devices position computing
- Spectrum analysis is supported on Wirnet iFemtoCell
- Wirnet iBTS 64 Highway is supported
- Backhaul monitoring on Wirnet iBTS and iFemtoCell
- Upgrade to FW 4.0 on Wirnet iBTS and iFemtoCell
- Upgrade to FW 3.6 on Wirnet Station
- Upgrade to CPF (Common Packet Forwarder) on all Kerlink gateways
- Buffering up to 200 messages per gateway
- Class B support on Wirnet iBTS and Station
- Publish data up and data down event to a MQTT broker
- Push diagnostic
- Support for custom headers
- Support for specific routes for data up and data down event
- Push configuration
- Data down cancellation
- End-devices naming
- Strong password
- Support for antenna gain and insertion loss
- Improve license keys
- SwaggerUI integration 
- CFlist support in OTAA mode and channel learning in ABP mode for data up
- Add customerID and clusterID in MDR (Message Details Record)
- Improve data down status
- Full removal of a customer
- Variable pull out from YML configuration
- Set Frame Counters at dashboard level
- Stay compatible with tunneling tools 1.11
- Support of tunneling tools 3.1
- Shorter gateways description
- SNMP MIB split to a public and private part

Main Restrictions:

- VPN IP address modification is not displayed on dashboard
- Dashboard timeout on large file upload with slow connections
- The backhaul configuration can’t be done using the dashboard for configuration without DHCP (missing DNS) and cellular (missing MCC and MNC)
- Backhaul priority is not working 

WMC 3.0

Server Software v3.0

Main changes:

- New LNS:
    -New engine with full support of the LoRaWan 1.0.2 revision C
    -Dwell time
    -CF List declared at the end-device creation
    -Support of multicast class C
    -Respect the duty cycle per gateway
    -Deal with “Not Ack” received from the packet forwarder including LBT
    -Support of the following regions with multiple revisions: AU915, CN470, CN779, EU433, EU868, US915, AS923, KR920, IN865, RU864
    -Improve join diagnostic messages
    -Capability to enable adaptative latency on a gateway when the network latency is stable
    -Capability to disable downlink per gateway

- New API and KPI:
    -Replace OSS by GMS
    -More generic web services and short paths
    -No longer dedicated web service to poll asynchronous web services
    -JSON available usable with Swagger Editor
    -Online html documentation
    -Add a new KPI “Ping” to measure the latency from the gateway to the server

- New dashboard:
   -Redesigned with focus on gateway and end-device
   -Add a summary bar
   -Group all the information accessible from one view
   -Display data down RX window, frequency and data rate
   -Add a notification view
   -Gateways and end-devices selections always visible
   -Edit maximum TX power on a gateways selection
   -Define the user’s role at the creation
   -Customizable logo per WMC instance
   -Remove modem statistics

Main restrictions:

-VPN IP address modification is not displayed on dashboard
-Spectrum analysis is not supported on Wirnet iFemtoCells
-Dashboard timeout on large file upload with slow connections

wiki/wiki3/whatsnew_3x.1608633646.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/12/22 11:40 by tda