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General information

Wirnet™ iBTS information

Wirnet™ iFemtoCell information

Wirnet™ iFemtoCell-evolution information

Wirnet™ iStation information

System management

Network management

LoRa Features

KerOS customization

Support and resources


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Wirnet™ iFemtoCell Resources


Wirnet iFemtoCell Installation and maintenance

Wirnet iFemtoCell Installation and Maintenance Manual v3.0: e-con-installation_and_maintenance_-_wirnet_ifemtocell-v3.0.pdf

Compatibility matrix

TODO à revoir avec CPF

Wirnet iFemtoCell KerOS firmware

Here is the list of downloadable firmware releases and their major updates compared to previous versions. FIXME To get information on older firmware consult the firmware release history page.

If the Wirnet iFemtoCell will be connected to a Wanesy Management Center, please check the compatibility matrix from the WMC Wiki first.

Software releases from this page are not guaranteed to work with Wanesy Management Center.


Kerlink provides the cross-toolchain, libraries and headers necessary to the compilation of an application. For more information consult the Toolchain page.

Common Packet Forwarder

The packet forwarder is a program running on the host of a Lora gateway that forwards RF packets received by the gateway to a server through an IP/UDP link and emits RF packets that are sent by the server. For more information consult the Kerlink Common Packet forwarder page.


resources_ifemto/resources.1545934663.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/01/17 10:01 (external edit)