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System upgrade

This page explains system upgrades on KerOS >= v.4 and also:

  • Configuration management (sysupgrade).
  • Hotfix packages management during upgrades.


Software upgrade files

The firmware is released in two formats: KerOS and Liveburner. These have very different behavior, so please use the appropriate file before updating, see the difference in upgrade process section.

Major firmware upgrades

From KerOS version 4.3.3 to KerOS version 5.X

To upgrade the system from KerOS version 4.3.3 to KerOS version 5.X the use of a liveburner is mandatory. Two possibilities are available:

  • Upgrade with a custom liveburner. It allows to keep some elements like gateway configuration. To use a custom liveburner, please refer to the dedicated page: Major version upgrade with a custom liveburner
  • Upgrade with a regular liveburner (erasing the whole partition to reinstall the firmware). Use the liveburner provided in the Wirnet gateways resources page and the upgrade process below.

From KerOS version 3.x to KerOS version 4.1

The upgrade from KerOS version 3.x to KerOS version 4.1 directly is not recommended by Kerlink. To do so, it must be done in 2 steps:

  1. Upgrade to KerOS version 4.0 using a liveburner
  2. Upgrade from KerOS version 4.0 to KerOS version 4.1 using a KerOS package

From KerOS version 3.x to KerOS version 4.0

To upgrade the system from KerOS version 3.x to KerOS version 4.0 the use of a liveburner is mandatory. Two possibilities are available:

  • Upgrade with a custom liveburner. It allows to keep some elements like gateway configuration. To build a custom liveburner, please refer to the dedicated page: Upgrade from KerOS version 3.x to 4.0
  • Upgrade with a regular liveburner (erasing the whole partition to reinstall the firmware). Use the liveburner provided in the Upgrade from KerOS version 3.x to 4.0 page and the upgrade process below.

Upgrade process

Upgrade using a KerOS package

Upgrade using a KerOS package (i.e. keros_4.X.Y_klk-lpbs-signed.ipk file) could be done only with the same major version.

  • Upgrade from Keros 4.X.X to KerOS 4.Y.Y is possible with a KerOS package (same major version)
  • Upgrade from Keros 4.X.X to KerOS 5.X.X is not possible with a KerOS package (major version is different)

The upgrade will install the new KerOS firmware with some consequences on the data:

  • User partition files will be preserved.
  • Passwords will be preserved.
  • The stock restore version will not be updated.
  • RootFS modifications will NOT be kept except files indicated in sysupgrade configuration files

The upgrade process itself is the following sequence:

  1. Backup files indicated in configuration (system files and software/customer defined files).
  2. Remove hotfix packages.
  3. Upgrade the system itself.
  4. Restore sysupgrade files ⇒ will override new firmware files!!

To upgrade your system, follow the software update process. Information here.

Upgrade using a liveburner package

The upgrade will install the new KerOS firmware with some consequences on the data:

  • Updates stock restore version with liveburner package version.
  • Resets the default password on your gateway.
  • Erases the whole partition to reinstall the firmware.

To upgrade your system, follow the software update process. Information here.

Configuration management (sysupgrade)

Sysupgrade process is available in case of an upgrade using a kerOS package or using a liveburner package.
During an upgrade, the only way to keep system files (network configuration, password…) is to make a backup during the upgrade. This is done by the sysupgrade mechanism.

This mecanism is divided in 2 elements:

  • /etc/sysupgrade.conf: Contains the system (KerOS) elements to backup/restore in case of upgrade.
  • /etc/sysupgrade.d/: a directory with .conf files where additional elements to backup/restore can be added (i.e. by additional packages).

By default, the system has a predefined list of configuration files to preserve:

File to download - /etc/sysupgrade.conf

If a specific software also needs to keep configurations between upgrades, it is possible to add a .conf file in the /etc/sysupgrade.d directory:

File to download - /etc/sysupgrade.d/myapp.conf

A specific reporting file is generated when an upgrade is done: /user/.sysupgrade.log.

Hotfix packages management

Hotfix packages are only available for a specific version of the firmware. So in case of upgrade, they will be automatically removed. More information on hotfix package here.

wiki/keros_custo/upgrade.txt · Last modified: 2023/06/02 16:42 by ehe