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General information

Wirnet™ iBTS information

Wirnet™ iFemtoCell information

Wirnet™ iFemtoCell-evolution information

Wirnet™ iStation information

System management

Network management

LoRa Features

KerOS customization

Support and resources


Web interface

Connect to the web interface

The easiest way to connect to your gateway is to address it by name. Wirnet gateways are named after their serial number, as described below, with XXXXXX replaced by the six hexadecimal digits from the serial number; these digits are taken from the last six hexadecimal digits of the “CPU module ID” for iBTS, and the last six hexadecimal digits of the “Board ID” for iFemtoCell and iStation. The prefix depends on the gateway type, and is of the form “klk-GGGG-”.

Gateway model URL template
Wirnet iFemtoCell http://klk-wifc-XXXXXX/
Wirnet iStation http://klk-wiis-XXXXXX/
Wirnet iFemtoCell-evolution http://klk-fevo-XXXXXX/
Wirnet iBTS http://klk-lpbs-XXXXXX/
Wirnet iZeptoCell Ethernet http://klk-zeth-XXXXXX/
Wirnet iZeptoCell Cellular http://klk-zcel-XXXXXX/

For example, for the Wirnet iBTS with 729ATf061ECD as CPU module ID, the hostname will be: klk-lpbs-061ECD.

For the Wirnet iFemtoCell with 704BEc1234AB as board ID, the hostname will be: klk-wifc-1234AB.

It is also possible to enter the IP address of your gateway into your browser’s URL bar (Make sure your computer is on the same local network).

The default credentials are:

The web interface allows to:

  • Trigger upgrade/update on the gateway.
  • Manage the network connectivity.
  • Trigger actions on the gateway: Turn off, reboot, factory reset.

When changing the IP of the gateway, or when switching from DHCP to fix IP and vice versa, connection to the web interface will be lost. This is not a bug. As the IP changed, the IP used in the browser’s URL bar is no longer up-to-date. Update it to recover the web interface

HTTPS Web Interface

Self-signed certificate procedure

This procedure will enable HTTPS access to HTTP REST API and web user interface of the product but using self-signed certificate. It's an easy way but at least with 2 drawbacks:

  • web navigators will ask for a security exception
  • certificates are valid only for 365 days


  1. Activate the configuration with self-signed certificates:
    • mv /etc/lighttpd.d/ssl-selfsigned.conf.disabled /etc/lighttpd.d/ssl-selfsigned.conf
  2. Apply this configuration :
    • /etc/init.d/lighttpd restart
  3. Connect to the web interface: https://your_product_name/

Full chained certificate support

The integrated lighttpd is able to support full chained certificate but procedure will depend on the certificate authority used.

Overview menu

The overview menu provides the network connectivity status as well as the firmware version, the hardware serial number, and the system status.

Wirnet iBTS Web_UI Wirnet iFemtoCell Web_UI

Administration menu

Network configuration

The network can be easily configured thanks to the web interface.
After cellular configuration has been set, a reboot of the gateway is required to take into account the new APN configuration.


Two parameters can be configured:

  • If the Ethernet connection should be enabled/disabled.
  • Which IPv4 configuration should be used.
    • DHCP.
    • Manual: Use a static IP.
    • OFF: Will turn OFF the IPv4 configuration. You will be disconnected from the web interface.

On 4.0.X firmwares, if there is a configuration file named lan.config in the /etc/network/connman/ directory, this configuration file will prevail, and will prevent the web interface to modify the IPv4 configuration.
Once a manual configuration file is present, the only way to modify the configuration is:

  • by editing the file.
  • by removing the file.
    rm /etc/network/connman/lan.config
    /etc/init.d/connman restart

Starting with 4.1.2 firmware, modifications done in /etc/network/connman/*.config files are seen on web interface and modification done in web interface will be written in /etc/network/connman/*.config files.


The GSM access can be configured in the web interface.

A list of Mobile Network Code / Mobile Country Code can be found on

  • If a Roaming SIM card is inserted in the gateway, the MCC/MNC codes to configure should be those ones of the SIM and not those of the local operator.
  • The APN to configure is the one of the SIM provider also, not the one of the local operator.

WiFi (Wirnet iFemtoCell only)

To connect to a Wi-Fi network:

  • Choose your Wi-Fi access point in the list.
  • Click on the access point name.
    • For passphrase-protected WiFi, fill the passphrase in the newly opened window and click “Connect”.
    • For WPS-enabled Access Point, or if your WiFi AP is open, just click “Connect”.
  • The Wi-Fi network will appear connected in front of the network name.

If this feature is enabled or disabled, don't forget to save the modification.

Starting with 4.1.6 firmware, you can also configure a not detected WiFi network (give SSID and passphrase).


Drag & drop your ipk file and click on UPDATE GATEWAY.

A reboot is required to finalize the update, click on REBOOT GATEWAY.

Gateway administration menu

Get logs from gateway

Logs can be retrieved from the web interface in Administration → Gateway

  1. Click on START LOG COLLECTION button to create the log archive
  2. Once created, the button GET LOG FILE turns active. Click on it to download the log archive

The logs archive is downloaded on your computer and then deleted from the gateway.

Other administration possibility

Some other actions can be triggered from the Gateway tab:

  • Web interface password change.
  • Time settings change.
  • Gateway shutdown (halt command).
  • Gateway reboot.
  • Gateway factory reset (a gateway reboot is required to initiate the factory reset).
wiki/systeme_mana/webui.txt · Last modified: 2023/10/12 16:23 by ehe