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Wirnet™ iStation information

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Wirnet™ iStation: Connect to the gateway

Detailed instructions about Wirnet iStation installation and maintenance are available on the Resources and documentation page.

Power supply the iStation

The Wirnet iStation gateway is powered with a PoE injector. Please see section 3.3 of Wirnet™ iStation Product Description for more information.

Connect the PoE output connector to the Ethernet port on the bottom side of the gateway.

The iStation should power on, showing a solid green LED, accompanied by a red LED starting solid, then blinking during bootup.

Connect through the network

Please see the connection, login and credentials page for more information on how to connect to your iStation.

Connect using the debug probe

Available soon

wiki/connect_istation.1569418413.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/09/25 15:33 by ghi