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General information

Wirnet™ iBTS information

Wirnet™ iFemtoCell information

Wirnet™ iFemtoCell-evolution information

Wirnet™ iStation information

System management

Network management

LoRa Features

KerOS customization

Support and resources


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Frequently Asked Questions

What is default login/password?

The default root password is defined here: Credentials.

What to do in case the password has been lost?

In case the root password of the Wirnet iBTS or Wirnet iFemtoCell has been lost, an autorun script can be used on a USB key to reset the password. Refer to the USB autorun section and to the change the passwords section for more information.

If the USB password has also been lost, the product can be restored to factory settings, please refer to How to factory reset the gateway section

Otherwise, please contact the support.

How to read software version?

Firmware version is written in the file /etc/version.

$ cat /etc/version

Firmware version is also displayed on Web Interface:

How to manually update the gateway firmware?

It can be done by IP network or USB. Please refer to Software update dedicated section.

How to factory reset the gateway?

Via Web interface

To factory reset the gateway, you can use the stock restore feature. A “stock restore” will factory reset the gateway. All data will be lost.


To trigger a “stock restore” execute the following commands:

# kerosd -s 
# reboot

More information about “stock restore” feature is available here.


Two SMS can be sent to the gateway to factory reset the gateway.

1st SMS to send to the gateway:

[login:password] [sms_command_id] system/restore/stock

2nd SMS to send to the gateway:

[login:password] [sms_command_id] system/reboot

More information about “SMS” feature is available here.

What is the default LEDs behavior?

The LEDs behavior is described here.

How to shutdown/restart the gateway?

To stop the gateway, use the command halt.

To reboot the gateway, use the command reboot.

Where are the logs?

Most traces of the Wirnet™ Productline gateways can be found under /var/log/messages*.

Is an SDK available?

Kerlink doesn’t provide an SDK to generate KerOs firmwares, just what is necessary to build an application. Information about the Toolchain is available in the toolchain page.

  • Wirnet™ iBTS FAQ

What is default Wirnet iBTS hostname?

The default hostname of the Wirnet iBTS is “klk-lpbs-04014F” where 04014F is the end of the CPU serial number. This information is present on the sticker placed on the CPU module.

How to read FPGA version?

FPGA versions are contained in /tmp/board_info.json file: parameter fpga_swver.
There is one FPGA per LoRaLOC board. If you have 3 LoRaLOC, there will be 3 versions in the file.

Example: On this gateway, FPGA version is v61.

# grep "fpga_swver" /tmp/board_info.json   
"fpga_swver": "61",
"fpga_swver": "61",
"fpga_swver": "61",

  • Wirnet™ iFemtoCell FAQ

What is default Wirnet iFemtoCell hostname?

The default hostname of the Wirnet iFemtoCell is “klk-wifc-020010” where 020010 is the end of the board ID. This information is present on the sticker placed on the rear side of the case.

  • Wirnet™ iStation FAQ

What is default Wirnet iStation hostname?

The default hostname of the Wirnet iStation is “klk-wiis-020011” where 020011 is the end of the board ID. This information is present on a sticker placed on the right view of the case.

wiki/faq.1569403215.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/09/25 11:20 by ghi