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Keros application configuration

Starting from version 4.3, KerOS firmware is delivered with Kerlink Common Packet Forwarder and WMC Embedded applications. These applications are disabled by default.


klk_apps_config is a script used to configure Kerlink Common Packet Forwarder and WMC Embedded applications.
Kerlink advises to reboot the gateway after using klk_apps_config to enable/disable an application.

# klk_apps_config -h
klk_apps_config [options]

-h, --help          show help
--activate-wmc      activate wmc embedded (and CPF)
--deactivate-wmc    deactivate wmc embedded (and CPF)
--activate-cpf      activate lorad and lorafwd
--deactivate-cpf    deactivate lorad and lorafwd
-s, --wmc-server    WMC server (mandatory if activating WMC)
-p, --wmc-port      WMC port (default 1194)
--lns-server        LNS server (default
--lns-dport         LNS downlink port (default 1700)
--lns-uport         LNS uplink port (default 1700)
--loradconf         lorad configuration file name/path
             Can be:
                    - a complete file path
                    - an example file name (ex:AS923-JP.json)

This script can be used to:

  • activate CPF (lorad and lorafwd) only.
  • deactivate CPF
  • activate WMC embedded applications (CPF + BSCC + lora_snmp)
  • deactivate WMC embedded applications

It can also be used to switch to another WMC server while WMC embedded is already activated (use –activate-wmc action with another server parameter while WMC Embedded is already activated).

Script parameters details:

  • One of the four possible actions must be chosen (activate-wmc, deactivate-wmc, activate-cpf, deactivate-cpf)
  • --wmc-server: address of the WMC server to connect to (example:
  • --wmc-port: port of the WMC server to connect to
  • --lns-server: address of the LNS server (lorafwd parameter)
  • --lns-dport: LNS downlink port (lorafwd parameter)
  • --lns-uport: LNS uplink port (lorafwd parameter)
  • --loradconf: this can be the complete path of the Lorad configuration you want to use or the file name of the example lorad configuration delivered for your platform. If not given the platform default will be used (EU868XXX.json)

Please note that to use WMC Embedded application, you still have to install the required security certificate; WMC installation page

Connect a Wirnet i-series gateway to The Things Network

Activation of the CPF on European TTN server:

klk_apps_config --activate-cpf --lns-server --lns-dport 1700 --lns-uport 1700


klk_apps_config --deactivate-cpf

If you need to activate the WMC on your gateway, consult the WMC wiki page: click here.

Kerlink also recommends to consult the TTN page: click here.

Connect a Wirnet i-series gateway to ChirpStack

Download ChirpStack gateway bridge ipk file: chirpstack-gateway-bridge_3.13.1-r1_klkgw.ipk click here.

Then open the Web interface of your gateway and add the ChirpStack bridge by drag & dropping it in the Administration Update menu.

Connect over SSH and activate the CPF on ChirpStack server.

klk_apps_config --activate-cpf --lns-server --lns-dport 1700 --lns-uport 1700

In /etc/chirpstack-gateway-bridge/chirpstack-gateway-bridge.toml , add ChirpStack IP server

# Generic MQTT authentication.
# MQTT server (e.g. scheme://host:port where scheme is tcp, ssl or ws)

Replace with the address of your server

Restart chirpstak bridge

monit restart chirpstack-gateway-bridge
wiki/lora/connect_an_istation_to_chirpstack.1681288357.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/04/12 10:32 by ehe