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CPF 1.2.4: Installation and configuration

How to install the Common Packet Forwarder?

  1. Choose the packet forwarder to install from the Wirnet products resource page. Choosing the latest version of the packet forwarder is recommended.
  2. Download the “lorad” and “lorafwd” .ipk packages files (see above).
  3. Install the .ipk files using the instructions of the software updates page. Packages can be installed simultaneously.

The installation of the “lorad” and “lorafwd” packages adds the following content on the file system:

├── etc
│   ├── default
│   │   ├── lorad   # Overall lorad configuration
│   │   └── lorafwd # Overall lorafwd configuration
│   ├── init.d
│   │   ├── lorad   # Script to start/stop lorad
│   │   └── lorafwd # Script to start/stop lorafwd
│   ├── logrotate.d
│   │   ├── lorad   # Configuration file for lorad log rotation
│   │   └── lorafwd # Configuration file for lorafwd log rotation
│   ├── monit.d
│   │   ├── lorad   # Configuration of the lorad monitoring
│   │   └── lorafwd # Configuration of the lorafwd monitoring
│   ├── profile.d
│   │   ├── lorad   # Environment variables for lorad
│   │   └── lorafwd # Environment variables for lorafwd
│   ├── rcK.d
│   │   ├── K50lorad   # autostop of lorad
│   │   └── K51lorafwd # autostop of lorafwd
│   ├── rcU.d
│   │   ├── S40lorad-fpga
│   │   ├── S50lorad   # autostart of lorad
│   │   └── S51lorafwd # autostart of lorafwd
│   ├── rsyslog.d
│   │   ├── lorad   # Configuration file for lorad log
│   │   └── lorafwd # Configuration file for lorafwd log
│   └── sysupgrade.d
│       ├── lorad.conf
│       └── lorafwd.conf
└── user
    ├── etc
    │   ├── lorafwd
    │   │   └── lorafwd.toml # LNS configuration
    │   └── lorad
    │       ├── fevo
    │       │   ├── AS923-JP_8CH.json
    │       │   ├── AS923-TH-SG-HK-TW_8CH.json
    │       │   ├── AU915-AU_8CH.json
    │       │   ├── EU868-FR_8CH.json
    │       │   ├── IN865-IN_8CH.json
    │       │   ├── KR920-KR_8CH.json    
    │       │   ├── RU864-RU_8CH.json
    │       │   ├── RU864-RU_8CH_Legacy.json
    │       │   └── US915-US_8CH.json
    │       ├── ibts
    │       │   ├── AS923-JP_16CH.json
    │       │   ├── AS923-TH-SG-HK-TW_16CH.json
    │       │   ├── AU915-AU_16CH.json
    │       │   ├── AU915-AU_64CH.json
    │       │   ├── EU868-FR_16CH.json
    │       │   ├── EU868-FR_2x8CH.json
    │       │   ├── IN865-IN_8CH.json
    │       │   ├── KR920-KR_16CH.json
    │       │   ├── RU864-RU_16CH.json
    │       │   ├── US915-US_16CH.json
    │       │   └── US915-US_64CH.json
    │       ├── misc
    │       │   └── remote-api.json
    │       ├── wifc
    │       │   ├── AS923-JP_8CH.json
    │       │   ├── AS923-TH-SG-HK-TW_8CH.json
    │       │   ├── AU915-AU_8CH.json
    │       │   ├── EU868-FR_8CH.json
    │       │   ├── IN865-IN_8CH.json
    │       │   ├── KR920-KR_8CH.json
    │       │   ├── RU864-RU_8CH.json
    │       │   ├── RU864-RU_8CH_Legacy.json
    │       │   └── US915-US_8CH.json
    │       └── wiis
    │           ├── AS923-JP_8CH.json
    │           ├── AS923-TH-SG-HK-TW_8CH.json
    │           ├── AU915-AU_8CH.json
    │           ├── EU868-FR_8CH.json
    │           ├── IN865-IN_8CH.json
    │           ├── KR920-KR_8CH.json
    │           ├── RU864-RU_8CH.json
    │           ├── RU864-RU_8CH_Legacy.json
    │           └── US915-US_8CH.json
    ├── sbin
    │   ├── lorad-ibts # lorad binary for iBTS
    │   ├── lorad-wifc # lorad binary for iFemtoCell
    │   ├── lorad-wiis # lorad binary for iStation
    │   ├── lorad-fevo # lorad binary for iFemtoCell-evolution
    │   ├── lorafwd    # lorafwd binary
    │   ├── lorafwdctl # Tools to set lorafwd configuration
    │   └── loramodem  # Only for Wirnet iBTS
    └── share
        └── lorad
            └── fpga_v61.bin # Only for Wirnet iBTS

How to configure and monitor the packet forwarder?

The configuration is achieved in 3 steps:

  • lorad configuration
  • lorafwd configuration
  • monitoring and auto-start configuration

lorad configuration

The goal of the lorad configuration is to define the frequency plan that will be used to receive packets from the end-devices, to enable the LBT feature and to configure the class B beacons.

  • A few frequency plan templates are pre-installed on the gateway (under /user/etc/lorad/PLATFORM where PLATFORM equal to ibts, wifc, wiis or fevo): it is strongly recommended to copy the expected frequency plan templates in /user/etc/lorad/ directory and create symlink /user/etc/lorad/lorad.json to this copied file. The goal is to keep templates unmodified.
  • Edit /etc/default/lorad and make sure that the CONFIGURATION_FILE field links to the template you previously copied.
  • Edit the template you copied to adapt it to your needs. Since the hardware between gateways is different, the configuration on each gateway differs (although it is quite similar).

Wirnet iBTS

Wirnet iFemtoCell, iFemtoCell-evolution and Wirnet iStation

lorafwd configuration

The goal of the lorafwd configuration is mainly to define to which LNS LoRa packets will be forwarded to.

  • Edit /user/etc/lorafwd/lorafwd.toml. This configuration file is formatted using the TOML v0.5.0 language:
    • Most keys are pre-configured with correct values.
    • The description of each key is directly written in the configuration file.
    • Hereunder are the keys that must changed to chose your LNS:
      • gwmp.node = “localhost”: The address of the LNS.
      • gwmp.service.uplink = 20000: The uplink port of the LNS.
      • gwmp.service.downlink = 20000 : The downlink port of the LNS.

Monitoring and auto-start configuration

By default, both lorad and lorafwd are started at boot time. If for some reason, one of the daemons stops, it will be automatically restarted by monit.

  • The autostart behavior is handled by the symlinks /etc/rcU.d/S50lorad and /etc/rcU.d/S51lorafwd.
  • The monitoring behavior is handled by the /etc/monit.d/lorad and /etc/monit.d/lorafwd files.

The daemons can be started/stopped/rebooted and monitored with monit. See monit page for more details.

Both daemons are independent. If one is stopped/restarted, the other one does not need to be stopped/restarted.

Log managment

Both daemons generates logs in the /var/log/lora.log* files.

The verbosity of the daemons can be increased using the EXTRA_ARGS field under /etc/default/loradand /etc/default/lorafwd.


  • NOTICE = -v: displays start and stop traces
  • INFO = -vv:
    • Displays the configuration of the hardware (frequencies, bandwidth, spreading factor, antenna, LBT, …)
    • Displays the number of uplinks and beacons sent.
    • Displays TAI/PPS info
  • DEBUG = -vvv: Displays the hexdump of the packets


  • NOTICE = -v: displays start and stop traces
  • INFO = -vv:
    • Displays the configuration of the forwarder (gateway ID, LNS, uplink/downlink port, GWMP configuration, …)
    • Displays the uplinks and downlink meta-data
    • Displays the acknowledge / heartbeat / drop traces
  • DEBUG = -vvv: Displays the hexdump of the packets
wiki/lora/cpf_1.2.x/cpf_1.2.4/installation.txt · Last modified: 2021/07/08 12:16 by ehe