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Wirnet iBTS Resources


Wirnet iBTS Installation and maintenance

Compatibility matrix

Semtech Packet Forwarder version KerOS firmware version FPGA version HAL version
5.1.0-klk4 3.x.x v61 5.1.0-klk5
5.1.0-klk2 3.x.x v61 5.1.0-klk1
4.0.0-klk7 3.x.x v58 4.0.1-klk3

Wirnet iBTS KerOS firmware

Here is the list of downloadable firmware releases and their major updates compared to previous versions. To get information on older firmware consult the firmware release history page.

If the iBTS will be connected to a Wanesy Management Center, please check the compatibility matrix from the WMC Wiki first.

Software releases from this page are not guaranteed to work with Wanesy Management Center.


Kerlink provides the cross-toolchain, libraries and headers necessary to the compilation of an application. For more information consult the Toolchain page.

Common Packet Forwarder

The packet forwarder is a program running on the host of a Lora gateway that forwards RF packets received by the gateway to a server through an IP/UDP link and emits RF packets that are sent by the server. For more information consult the Packet forwarder page.

FPGA Updater

The FPGA updater package is designed to upgrade the firmware of all FPGA of the gateway.

GSM firmwares

Kerlink provides .ipk packages to install operators approved GSM firmware. These packages are not compatible with dual WAN modems.

Modem company IPK name firmware configuration
MC7354Genericwanmodemupgrade-mc7354-generic_1.1_all.ipk md5:d9284bf8c88bdcef008ef0daf2a47fde SWI9X15C_05.05.58.00 005.025_002
MC7354ATTwanmodemupgrade-mc7354-att_1.1_all.ipk md5:e098a9481f420bf4c4e05a247748824e SWI9X15C_05.05.58.00 005.026_000
MC7354Bellwanmodemupgrade-mc7354-bell_1.1_all.ipk md5:357e510eceac9f7fafd9d7643322c658 SWI9X15C_05.05.58.00 005.024_000
MC7354Rogerswanmodemupgrade-mc7354-rogers_1.1_all.ipk md5:00083dfde61c5916eac2517f436ba03b SWI9X15C_05.05.58.00 005.022_000
MC7354Teluswanmodemupgrade-mc7354-telus_1.1_all.ipk md5:f53badb852c1eaab07855ab644407d73 SWI9X15C_05.05.58.00 005.023_000
MC7354Verizonwanmodemupgrade-mc7354-verizon_1.1_all.ipk md5:618ba29ff25d252e8e7c83de79515a50 SWI9X15C_05.05.58.01 005.029_001

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wiki/resources.1535617034.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/01/17 10:01 (external edit)