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Packet forwarder

What is the packet forwarder

The packet forwarder is a program running on the host of a Lora gateway. It forwards RF packets received by the gateway to a server through an UDP/IP link, and emits RF packets that are sent by the server.

Every X seconds the program displays statistics about the received and sent RF packets, and about the received and sent network datagrams. The program also sends a few statistics to the server in JSON format.

For a full packet forwarder description and the way it works, read the “Semtech readme file” available in each packet forwarder resource page.

How to install the packet forwarder?

  1. Choose the packet forwarder to install from the resource page. Choosing the latest version of the packet forwarder is recommended.
  2. Retrieve the matching firmware and FPGA packages (check compatibility on the packet forwarder page). Update them if necessary (see software updates page).
  3. Download the packet forwarder precompiled .ipk file.
  4. Install the .ipk file using the instructions of the software updates page.
  5. Edit the packet forwarder configuration.

How to configure and monitor the packet forwarder?

The associated Semtech HAL is indicated in the name of IPK:

  • packet-forwarder-v2_<version>-<HAL>_klk_lpbs.ipk

Firewall configuration

Due to firewall modifications in firmware v3.3.3, the packet forwarders, version 5.1.0-klk2 and lower, need to be specially configured for this firmware version.

Indeed, rules are loaded at boot time and the last rule instruction is to reject all traffic. The packet forwarder configuration used to append rules to the tables, meaning that they are ignored.

Modify the firewall rules in the file /user/spf2/bin/

In this file, the rules must be set with iptables -I (insert) instead of iptables -A (append).

The following commands will correctly adapt the script /user/spf2/bin/

sed -i "/null/ s/-A/-I/" /user/spf2/bin/
/etc/init.d/firewall restart
monit restart spf2
wiki/spf.1534255147.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/01/17 10:01 (external edit)