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Troubleshoot the gateway

Useful logs

When configuring the gateway or when something unusual happens, most of the time, to understand the behaviour of the gateway it is advised to consult the logs. Here is the list of the most useful logs:

  • /var/log/messages*: These files are the main logs, they gather the traces of the firmware. They contain the boot traces, the network events, the hardware events, and many other traces.
  • /var/log/lora.log*: Theses files contains the traces of the common packet forwarder (lorad and lorafwd). If you encounter LoRa issues, this is a good way to start. The verbosity of this log can be increased/decreased. Refer to the log management section.
  • /tmp/board_info.json: This file contains information about the hardware of the gateway. It is generated at each boot time.
  • /tmp/calib_loraloc.json (for Wirnet iBTS): This file contains the calibration values specific to this gateway. It is generated at boot time.
  • /tmp/calib_rf.json (for Wirnet iFemtoCell and Wirnet iStation): This file contains the calibration values specific to this gateway. It is generated at boot time.
  • /dev/nmea* (Wirnet iBTS and Wirnet iStation): These devices receive NMEA frames (GPS) every seconds. It can be monitored with the cat command.

Useful commands

Since Kerlink gateways use a Unix system, most current commands are available (ifconfig, route, ps, iptables, …).

KerOS specific commands:

  • generates a status of the modem.
  • connmanctl: used to configure/monitor the network manager.
  • opkg list-installed: lists the installed packages.
  • monit status: displays the status of the monitored processes.


The bootcount value is counting the number of reboots since the last power cycle. At each power loss the counter is reset to 0. The maximum value of this counter is 65535.
The bootcount value can be checked in the file /tmp/board_info.json:

# grep bootcount /tmp/board_info.json
        "bootcount": 1,

When a gateway is started/restarted, U-Boot displays the boot cause.
The possible reasons are:

  • POR: Power On Reset (happens when the gateway is powered or after a powerloss).
  • WDOG: Watchdog.
  • SW: Software Reset.
  • HW: Physical reset (RESET button).
  • UNKNOWN: unknown cause.

This information is transmitted to initrd and to applications with the kernel argument « bootcause ».
The information is then provided in the bootcause parameter in the file /proc/cmdline.

# cat /proc/cmdline 
console=ttymxc0,115200 bootmode=nominal bootcause=SW bootcount=5 bootfail=0

In case you need assistance to troubleshoot your gateway, Kerlink's support team will help you if:

  • The gateway is still under warranty.
  • The gateway has been bought directly from Kerlink.

If the gateway does not satisfy this requirement, please contact Our Sales team will make you an offer to get assistance.

Otherwise, contact to get assistance. Our support team will open you an account in Kerlink's ticketing tool.

When contacting the support team, to improve and speed up the resolution of your issue, please provide them:

  • The serial number of your gateway(s):
    • For Wirnet iBTS, the serial number is written on a sticker inside the case with “Wirnet iBTS” written on it.
    • For Wirnet iFemtoCell, the serial number is written on the rear sticker (it is named “Final product ID”).
    • For Wirnet iStation, the serial number is written on the external sticker (it is named “Product ID”).
  • A precise description of your problem. “Gateway not working” is not enough to investigate.
  • The list of the actions you took to troubleshoot/investigate your problem.
  • The date of your problem.
  • The version of your firmware.
  • The logs of your gateway (refer to the automatic log gathering section). Without these logs, it is difficult to investigate. If you are able to reproduce the problem, make sure to reproduce it and gather the logs afterwards.
  • Any information that would help us understand the context. For example, if the gateway is on the field or in a lab, if a third party program is used, if the gateway was previously working, etc.

Automatic log gathering

To simplify the log gathering process, two scripts are available. These scripts generate an archive containing many logs and commands results.

Gathering logs from shell

Gathering logs from USB (no commands required)

wiki/support/troubleshoot.1569424384.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/09/25 17:13 by ghi